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June Newsletter 2024

                                                                                                                                                                                                      June Newsletter 2024  It’s hard to believe we are approaching the end of this school year already.  It has been a very busy year with the boys and girls working hard and also getting opportunities to participate in many outdoor and extracurricular activities.  We wish Adam, Seamus, Bethany, Sarah, Christina, Katie and Max all ...continue reading "June Newsletter 2024"

May Newsletter 2024

  May Newsletter 2024 5-A-Side Soccer Congratulations to Adam, Max, Seamus, Suleiman, Luke, Bethany, Lisa and Aloise who represented our school at the FAI Schools Soccer Tournament in April.  The conditions were atrocious and the children played two of their matches during wild, rain and hailstones!  Although not victorious on the day everyone played their ...continue reading "May Newsletter 2024"

April Newsletter 2024

            April Newsletter 2024     Welcome back       Welcome back to school for the last term of the academic year. We hope everyone enjoyed the break over Easter and we look forward to brighter and warmer days ahead for this term.         Activities   ...continue reading "April Newsletter 2024"

March Newsletter 2024

March Newsletter 24  

February Newsletter 2024

Newsletter 2024 Credit Union Quiz On Monday 29th January 2 teams represented our school at the Credit Union Table Quiz.  Congratulations to Luke, Amelia McAdam, Hannea and Jason who competed in the Junior Section and Adam, Max, Seamus and Lisa who competed in the Senior Section.  Both performed well and the senior team finished in ...continue reading "February Newsletter 2024"

January Newsletter 2024

    January 2024  Newsletter Welcome back to a new term at Ballybay Central School.  We trust you and your family had an enjoyable Christmas and we look forward to what 2024 has to bring. Welcome We welcome Ms. Elaine Morgan to the staff.  Ms Morgan is covering Ms Donaghy’s maternity leave and will be teaching ...continue reading "January Newsletter 2024"

December Newsletter 2023

         November 2023  Newsletter   For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6 Credit Union Poster Competition Congratulations to Charlotte McAdam (1st Class), ...continue reading "December Newsletter 2023"

November Newsletter 2023

         November 2023  Newsletter Welcome back to school for what will be a busy few weeks in the lead up to Christmas.  We hope everyone had an enjoyable midterm break and got a chance to rest and recharge the batteries. Parents’ Association The following parents have been elected to the Parents’ Association committee for 2023-2024. ...continue reading "November Newsletter 2023"

October Newsletter 2023

October Newsletter 2023 Photographer The School Photographer was in school yesterday and took photos of the children.  Junior Infants and 6th Class groups as well as a school photo were also taken.  You will receive proofs of the photographs with details of how to order and pay next week.  There is no compulsion on anyone ...continue reading "October Newsletter 2023"

September Newsletter 2023

September Newsletter 2023   Welcome Welcome back to a new school year at Ballybay Central and we extend a very warm welcome to Moriah, Lauren, Sam, Harper, Chloe, Mark, Daniel, Louise, Katie and Bethany who have joined our school this September.  We hope you will be very happy with us.  We also welcome Niamh Donaghy ...continue reading "September Newsletter 2023"

June Newsletter 2023

                                                                                                              ...continue reading "June Newsletter 2023"

May Newsletter 2023

May Newsletter 2023 Swimming Lessons Swimming lessons for all pupils continue this month. The last swimming date is Thursday 25th May.  If a parent is at the pool to dry and dress a younger pupil, siblings may also go home from the pool.  Please ensure you let your child’s class teacher know if they are ...continue reading "May Newsletter 2023"

April Newsletter 2023

     April Newsletter 2023 Welcome back to the last term of this academic year – it’s hard to believe there are less than 10 weeks left and we hope those weeks will be filled with plenty of fun, sun and happy days at school.  As we move into the 3rd term we are conscious that ...continue reading "April Newsletter 2023"

March Newsletter

World Book Day World Book Day is being celebrated on Thursday 2nd March.  We are looking forward to a great day at school which will begin with a Fashion Show!  Pupils (and staff) are encouraged to come to school dressed as a character from a book.  Pupils should wear their outfits to school on Thursday ...continue reading "March Newsletter"

February Newsletter

Open Afternoon An Open Afternoon takes place on Wednesday next 15th February.  Parents and children are welcome to visit the school between 1.30 and 3.00pm.  Application forms and Parents’ Booklets will be available on the afternoon for those wishing to enrol for September 2023.  The closing date for receipt of application is Tuesday 21st February.  ...continue reading "February Newsletter"

January Newsletter 2023

    January 2023  Newsletter   Happy New Year to everyone.  We hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed some ‘down time’ – a break from school routine and a chance to recharge the batteries.  This term at school continues until Friday 31st March and includes the following closures: Monday 6th February (Bank Holiday) Thursday ...continue reading "January Newsletter 2023"

December Newsletter 2022

December Newsletter 2022 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,                 Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6   Thanks Many thanks to all who donated clothes to the recent Cash for Clobber ...continue reading "December Newsletter 2022"

November Newsletter 2022

November  Newsletter 2022  We hope everyone had an enjoyable midterm break.  Although there are just over 6 weeks in this half term there is a lot to fit in between now and Christmas! We wish to extend a very warm welcome to Maksym (Junior Infants), Stefan and Dzamil (1st class), Ivan (2nd class) and Suleiman ...continue reading "November Newsletter 2022"

October Newsletter 2022

October Newsletter 2022 New Heating System The work on our new heating and plumbing systems is hopefully nearing an end.  We should be able to turn on the heat this week.  As the weather turns cooler and wetter children should bring coats to school as they will need them when outdoors at break and lunch-time. ...continue reading "October Newsletter 2022"

September Newsletter 2022

September Newsletter 2022 Welcome to the first newsletter of this academic year, and the warmest of welcome to our new Junior Infants – Blake, Eliana, Grace, Immanuel, Jamilia, John, Joshua and Shiloh.  We also extend a warm welcome to Amy, Grace, Holly, Isaac and Isabella and who have joined various classes throughout the school.  It ...continue reading "September Newsletter 2022"