November Newsletter 2022
We hope everyone had an enjoyable midterm break. Although there are just over 6 weeks in this half term there is a lot to fit in between now and Christmas!
We wish to extend a very warm welcome to Maksym (Junior Infants), Stefan and Dzamil (1st class), Ivan (2nd class) and Suleiman and Kira (3rd class). They have joined our school and along with their families are settling into our school community. Many thanks to those who donated school bags, uniforms etc. to the children.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Wednesday 23rd November between 2.00pm and 6.00pm. Parents received notification of the Parent Teacher Meetings schedule on Aladdin Connect. If anyone is not using Aladdin Connect they will be offered a slot once everyone else has chosen theirs (after 21st November). Parents can only log in from their allocated date and time and choose the 10 minute slot which suits. Please note meetings will be 10 minutes (max) – in order for everyone to be seen at their allocated time, meetings will finish promptly. School will finish at 2.00pm that day for all pupils.
P.E. will take place on Monday from now until Christmas. Eamon Hughes from Monaghan GAA will be in the school each Monday. School uniform must be worn on Fridays for this term. Pupils in 4th-6th class are taking part in the Cycle Right Cycling programme with Bike Green for 6 weeks starting on Friday 11th November. Pupils in the senior room should wear runners on Fridays. Many thanks to Euan Treanor from Monaghan FAI who coached the children for 6 weeks. Unfortunately due to wet weather we missed one week but we hope to get Euan back for a session during the summer term.
Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
If anyone wishes to donate a Christmas shoebox to the Team Hope Appeal, please send shoeboxes to school before Friday 11th November. Please follow the instructions on the leaflet sent home in relation to packing boxes and include €4 per box in the envelope provided on the leaflet or pay it online.
School Lunches
Hot school lunches are scheduled to begin this Thursday 10th November. If you hadn’t logged in with your child’s new password before last Thursday your child will receive hot lunches as on their default menu. Please log in before this Thursday to change lunch options for next week. If anyone has mislaid passwords please contact the school and we will send the password to you. We will not be sending home hot lunches not eaten as this would be too messy in school bags. Please check with your child what lunches they like/don’t like and order accordingly. If children are continually not eating lunch you will be contacted and asked to send in lunch for them instead. You must continue to provide a snack for the first break.
Non Uniform/Movie day and Cake Sale
On Wednesday 26th October the boys and girls enjoyed their non uniform and movie day. Each classroom watched a movie and enjoyed popcorn and sweets. At lunch time the children had an opportunity to spend their money at the cake sale and all enjoyed the many treats they bought. Later in the day we were overwhelmed with the number of parents and friends who came along to purchase cakes, buns etc. The total amount raised from the non uniform day and cake sale was €508.75. The money will be donated to the Camphill Community. Jim McKenna who donated the bird feeder and bug hotel to our school had asked that we fund raise for a local charity instead of paying him for his wonderful work. Jim sent the following message on hearing about our fund raiser:
“For a small school you are “Mighty” fundraisers…but more importantly you are nurturing the minds and spirits of the next generation for Star Fish Throwers”. Jim told the starfish story to the children and encouraged them to do something to make a difference to someone else’s life, just as he had done by creating and donating his bird feeder and bug hotel to our school. This is a valuable lesson for all of us especially coming into the Christmas season. No act of kindness, regardless how small it may appear, is ever wasted. When we make a decision to help others, this has a positive impact on ourselves and the people we help.
Student Council Election Day
Ms Fitzpatrick has been teaching the children in the middle and senior rooms about student councils and how they work. Children were nominated, posters designed and speeches written in anticipation for Election Day on 26th October. Children from 2nd class upwards were given a ballot paper, went to the booth and chose 4 pupils from each room to serve on our first ever Student Council. All the ballot papers were carefully placed in the ballot box. The following eight pupils were elected:
- Annabelle Patton 5. Lydia McAdam
- Luke Gilliland 6. Hanny Avelino
- Amelia McAdam 7. Adam Anderson
- Hannea Avelino 8. Ethan Steenson
Congratulations and well done to all who took part in the process. The first student council meeting will take place shortly with Ms Fitzpatrick. We are looking forward to hearing about their plans for the school.
Christmas Celebrations
An evening to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas will be held in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm. Further details will be issued next month.
Science Festival Event
As part of next week’s Science Festival we are pleased to be hosting a Coding Ireland – Code & Race Workshop for pupils in 3rd class upwards. Many thanks to Karen McCague from Monaghan County Library for organising this.
Skip N Rope Workshop
On Thursday 24th November Mark McCabe from Skip N Rope will be delivering a skipping workshop to all pupils. This workshop is being facilitated by Monaghan Sports Partnership and will cost €3 per child. Monaghan Sports Partnership are subsidising the remaining costs. As part of the workshop the school will receive a comprehensive rope set which includes 35 skipping ropes of various lengths.
Book Bills
Book bills are now overdue. Please ensure bills are paid as soon as possible as the supplier is awaiting payment. If you have misplaced your bill or the school’s bank details please contact Sandra in the office and she will resend them.