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November Newsletter 2023

         November 2023  Newsletter

Welcome back to school for what will be a busy few weeks in the lead up to Christmas.  We hope everyone had an enjoyable midterm break and got a chance to rest and recharge the batteries.

Parents’ Association

The following parents have been elected to the Parents’ Association committee for 2023-2024.

Chairperson                           William Patton

Vice Chairperson                   Leah Cosgrove

Secretary                                Alison Bann

Treasurer                                Sandra Anderson

Vice Treasurer                       Jonathan Anderson


Edlyn Avelino, Anne Marie Gilliland, Tyron Ross, Danika Sloan, Florence Steenson and Sabine Vogel.

The committee greatly appreciate the support of all parents with their activities throughout the year.

Board of Management

Many thanks to Tyron Ross and Florence Steenson who have volunteered to serve as the parent nominees on the new Board of Management which will officially commence its term of office on 1st December 2023.

P.E. in the Park

Pupils from 1st class upwards had 2 very enjoyable sessions in the park.  Thanks to the staff from Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre.  On 19th October children enjoyed kayaking and on 26th October everyone participated in orienteering.  This was a great opportunity for our pupils and we hope that we may get the opportunity to participate in P.E. in the Park again next year.  We acknowledge the financial support from Monaghan Sports Partnership who contributed to the costs (€15 per child) and the school contributed per child, which left it very affordable to all at €5.

During mid term the school grounds were mapped by Orienteering Ireland which means we will be able to organize orienteering activities ourselves around the school grounds. 

P.E. for the remainder of the year will continue to be on FRIDAYS so pupils should wear tracksuits and runners every Friday.             

Coffee Morning

Our 2nd Coffee Morning will take place on Friday 17th November 9.20-10.20, We’d encourage parents who are available on this morning to pop in at any stage and have a cuppa and a chat with other parents.  School will provide tea, coffee and biscuits.  This is an opportunity to welcome everyone to the school community.

Library Visit

Pupils in Ms Brown’s room had a very enjoyable trip to the new library in Castleblayney during Children’s Book Festival.  They had the opportunity to listen to Gerry Daly, an author and illustrator and get to work on their own illustrations.

Pupils in the senior room will be attending Monaghan library on 23rd November for a story telling session with Steve Lally.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher meetings will take place on Thursday 23rd November from 2.00-6.00pm.  School will close for all pupils on that day at 2.00pm. 

Parents will be able to book their appointments through Aladdin the week before hand.  You will receive information regarding booking in advance.  Each meeting will strictly be 10 minutes per child.  It is very important that this is adhered to, to ensure all parents see their child/children’s teacher at the allocated time. Parents of children who attend Mrs Patton should make an appointment to meet with her on this day also to discuss updated support plans.

If you are unable to attend at a suitable time on the afternoon of the 23rd November, please email the school and your child’s class teacher will make arrangements to meet with you on an alternative day/time.

Cash for Clobber/Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Please drop bags for clothes collection to school for Friday this week, 10th November.  Spread the word with your family and friends.

Anyone wishing to take part in the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal should return shoe boxes this week for Wednesday 8th.  Each shoe box should be accompanied with a €5 donation.  Please put a sticker on the box identifying what age the shoe box is for.  Shoe boxes should be wrapped separate to the lids so as the boxes can be opened before being transported.

Student Council

Congratulations to the new Student Council members – Adam, Annabelle, Emily, Ethan S, Hannea, Max, Stefan and Witness.  

They, along with Mrs Boyle, organised a very successful Autumn Scavenger Hunt on the last day of term.  Following the scavenger hunt all children received treats and pictures to colour.  We look forward to working with the Student Council this year.        

Christmas Pantomime

On Monday 18th December the whole school will travel to the Market Place Theatre in Armagh for the annual Pantomime.  The cost per child is €15.

Payments should be made by:

  • Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56 or
  • Cheque/draft from bank or Credit Union

On or before Wednesday 13th December.

If using Online banking please put your name on the reference line so we know it’s your payment.

Mrs McBride will issue receipts of payment.

Important Dates

Friday 17th November          Coffee Morning

Thursday 23rd November     School closes at 2.00pm for Parent/Teacher  meetings

Friday 24th November                    School closed for staff training day (Primary Maths                                                          Curriculum)

Friday 15th December           Festive Walk to School (more details next month)

Monday 18th December        Trip to Market Place Theatre, Armagh for pantomime                                                      (all pupils)

Wednesday 20th December  Christmas concert in Derryvalley Hall                               (time to be confirmed)