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January Newsletter 2023

    January 2023  Newsletter


Happy New Year to everyone.  We hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed some ‘down time’ – a break from school routine and a chance to recharge the batteries.  This term at school continues until Friday 31st March and includes the following closures:

  • Monday 6th February (Bank Holiday)
  • Thursday 16th & Friday 17th February (Mid Term)
  • Thursday 16th March (Staff Training in the Primary Language Curriculum)
  • Friday 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day)
  • Friday 31st March closing at 12.00 (Easter Holidays)


Welcome back to Mrs Boyle who has been on extended maternity leave during 2022.  A presentation was made to Ms McCarney by the Parents’ Association at the Carol Service.  The school children also presented Ms McCarney with a card and a present on her last day.  We wish Ms McCarney well as she sets off on her travels in February and we are delighted to have Mrs Boyle back in the Junior Classroom.

Ballybay Cancer Society

On Friday 16th December children and staff donned their Christmas jumpers, dresses, hats, socks, bobbles and anything that felt Christmassy and walked to school through the park.  On arrival at school a band of parents provided us with toast, tea and orange juice all of which went down well.  Children donated money for Ballybay Cancer Society on the day and a total of €240 was collected.  Many thanks to all who donated and also to the parents who helped out on the morning.

Christmas Food Appeal

Many thanks to all who donated so generously to our Christmas Food Appeal for Teach na Daoine in Monaghan.  Jill from Teach na Daoine collected the food items on Tuesday 20th December and told us how appreciative she was that the children in Ballybay Central had donated so much.  The food items were used in the run up to Christmas and in their ‘Food Pantry’ in January.


The Parents’ Association very kindly donated a selection box to each child on the day of the Christmas holidays.  They also contributed €100 to the Skip n Rope workshops and €275 towards the transport costs for school trips before Christmas.  Without the monetary contribution from the Parents’ Association parents would either have to pay a lot more for these ‘extra’ activities or there would be no extra activities at all due to high costs.  I encourage everyone to support the Parents’ Association in 2023 with their fundraising endeavours.

It is important to acknowledge and thank all those who helped with the supper after the School Carol Service on 19th December.  Those who donated food, set up, served food and washed and tidied up after.  It was much appreciated.


Tracksuits and runners must be worn on FRIDAYS for this term.  Pupils are expected to wear school uniform Monday-Thursday.

Student Council

Congratulations to our Student Council on organising a Pick & Make Christmas Competition in December.  This was their first initiative and it was a great success!  The following were the prize winners:

Junior Classroom - Craft        Junior Room - Pictures

1st Bryan Coleman                  1st Theodore Patton

2nd John Roche                       2nd Blake Steenson 

3rd Joshua Bann                      3rd Charlotte Mc Adam

Middle Classroom                Senior Classroom    

1st Joshua Lees                      1st Levi Dixon

2nd Emily Gilliland                  2nd Elif Dinler

3rd Kira Sobol                        3rd Seamus Brady 

Teachers’ Prize 

Ms Brown 


All children enjoyed an outing before Christmas.  The Juniors went to the Garge Theatre in Monaghan on 8th December to see ‘Old Mothers Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas’ while pupils in 3rd-6th Class travelled to Omagh on the 14th December to the Ulster American Folk Park to view ‘Christmas in the Country’.  Both trips were very enjoyable – it is great to be able to bring the children on trips like these again after two years of Covid lockdowns.

Fresh Today Lunches

If anybody has any issues regarding school lunches/meals please contact Fresh Today directly.

 Applications for September 2022

Applications are being taken for the 2023-2024 academic year from next Monday 16th January.  If you wish to enrol a child or you know of anyone who wishes to enrol a child, please contact the office for an application form.  Application forms will be available on our website later this week.