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Active School Flag

This year, we are working towards our very first Active School Flag. 

The Active School Flag (ASF) is an initiative from the Department of Education and Skills  supported by Healthy Ireland. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. 

ASF is an ambitious whole school process. In order to succeed, and to ensure that the benefits of ASF reach into every classroom, it is important that staff, students and parents commit to support, promote and actively engage with the process.

November 2023 

We have all been taking part in the Active Break Every Day Challenge. Each day, Junior Infants - 6th Class take part in a movement break, lead by an Irish olympic athlete. We've had olympic boxers, swimmers, break-dancers and rugby players showing us the importance of regular movement breaks. Movement breaks can support students in maintaining concentration and attention in the classroom, regulating energy levels and can increase productivity within the classroom. And most importantly, they're lots of fun!

December 2023 

We held an Active School Slogan Competition to come up with a brand new slogan that will represent our school. It was so hard to pick a winner as all the children put in such amazing effort!
Well done to Hannea Avelino (1st place) , Jessica Murphy Ly (2nd place) , and Daniel Moffett (3rd place).

Hannea Avelino (4th Class) : 1st Place
Jessica Murphy Ly (4th Class) : 2nd Place

Daniel Moffett (2nd Class) : 3rd Place

January 2024 

Congratulations to those who were chosen for our Active School Committee; Moriah (JI), Eliana (SI), Theodore (1st), Holly (2nd), Mason (3rd), Jason (4th), Lisa (5th) and Christina (6th).

The committee will be working hard to come up with lots of fun ways we can keep our school active between now and the summer holidays. We can't wait to see some of their great ideas being put into action! 


February 2024

The Active School Committee have been very busy this month organising games for everyone to play during lunch on Fridays. We’ve had a range of games from Duck, Duck, Goose to Banana Split. We’ve had a lot of fun and will continue with these games for the rest of term. Well done to the committee for all their organising and planning!


May 2024 

We have had a very busy month! We have been keeping active with gymnastics every Wednesday and swimming on Fridays. We also did a cycling workshop with Garda James.  He taught us how to cycle our bikes correctly and safely. 

June 2024 

June has been a fun month for the Active School Committee, with Active School Week from the 10th - 14th of June. On Monday, we went to the playground. On Tuesday we did stations in the yard, which were led by the Active School Committee. On Wednesday we did gymnastics, on Thursday we did dance with Lesley and on Friday we had our school trip to Todd's Leap. What a fun week we  had!