September Newsletter 2022
Welcome to the first newsletter of this academic year, and the warmest of welcome to our new Junior Infants – Blake, Eliana, Grace, Immanuel, Jamilia, John, Joshua and Shiloh. We also extend a warm welcome to Amy, Grace, Holly, Isaac and Isabella and who have joined various classes throughout the school. It is lovely to see everybody back and settling in after the many disruptions over the last number of years.
School Lunches
Please try to attend tonight’s meeting where representatives from Fresh Today will outline to parents the procedure for ordering free school lunches. Children will start to receive their lunches on Monday 12th September, a cold lunch initially and then hot food will be delivered from Monday 3rd October.
Aladdin Connect
All parents should have received a letter yesterday (check your child’s bag if you didn’t) informing you of our intention to use Aladdin Connect. We have been using Aladdin software since 2018. Aladdin Connect is used to securely communicate and share information with parents. As well as messages from the school you can view details that the school shares with you about your child’s attendance, report cards, homework etc. You can also enter reasons for your child’s absences from the Aladdin Connect App.
Once we are up and running and you have downloaded the Aladdin Schools Connect App, you will receive notifications from school (instead of using Text A Parent) and you will also have access to a Google calendar which will send you notifications of school events, meetings, holidays etc.
Summer Works
During the summer work was taking place to upgrade the heating and plumbing in the school. A lot of work took place in a short timeframe and it is not yet completed. When completed we will have warm water in all sinks and also a new heating system throughout the school. The Department of Education has funded this upgrade under their Summer Works Scheme. Work is continuing but hopefully it won’t affect classrooms. A huge thank you must go to the cleaners from KSH contract cleaning company, our caretaker Darren Gilliland and William Patton all who helped out at various stages to ensure the work could take place and that school could reopen this week.
School Books
As pupils settle into their classes this week teachers will be providing them with text books and readers. The school has built up a good supply of text books over the years and teachers can use these if and when required. You will be informed next month of book rental costs. Books that belong to the school or local library must be kept in good condition and if lost or damaged must be replaced. Teachers sent an email to parents with stationery requirements – please ensure your child has all items required.
Euan Treanor will be with us every Friday starting Friday 16th September for 7 weeks. Euan is a coach with Monaghan FAI and the children greatly enjoy his games and coaching sessions. The cost per pupil is €2 per session - €14 in total. Please do not send this money to school yet – it will be included with your book rental bill and must be paid online. School does not accept any cash – all payments are made using online banking, cheque or bank/C.U. draft.
- Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56
If using online banking please put your name on the reference line so we know it’s your payment.
Children should wear tracksuits and runners every Friday for P.E.
Please ensure jumpers are named – especially during this warm weather as they can get mixed up when taken off. School uniform must be worn Monday-Thursday.
We welcome Tara Moffett back to us this year. She is covering Mrs. Patton’s leave and is our Special Education Teacher. Ms. McCarney is covering Mrs. Boyle’s leave until Christmas. We also welcome Laura Fitzpatrick to our staff – Laura will be teaching in the senior room on Tuesdays while the Principal is in the office.
Ballybay Central National School
School Calendar 2022-2023
School Re-opens | Monday 29th August |
Mid-Term Break | Monday 31st October
– Friday 4th November inclusive |
Christmas Closing | Wednesday 21st December (last day of school) |
Re-opening | Thursday 5th January 2023 |
St Brigid’s Day | Monday 6th February |
Mid-Term Break | Thursday 16th February & Friday 17th February |
St. Patrick’s Day Closing | Friday 17th March |
Easter Closing | Friday 31st March (last day of school) |
Re-opening | Monday 17th April |
Bank Holiday | Monday 1st May |
Bank Holiday | Monday 5th June |
Summer Holidays Closing | Wednesday 21st June |