April Newsletter 2024
Welcome back
The coming weeks see plenty of physical activities for the children. Please take a note of the activities on the following dates:
Tuesday 9th April - GAA coaching with Macayla Greenan - pupils wear tracksuits.
Tuesday 16th April - Last GAA session with Macayla Greenan - pupils wear tracksuits.
Thursday 18th April - PE in the Park Day 1 with Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre (€5 per pupil - 1st-6th Class) - pupils wear tracksuits.
Friday 19th April - Swimming lessons for all pupils in Coral Leisure Centre - pupils wear tracksuits.
Thursday 25th April - PE in the Park Day 2 (€5 per pupil - 1st-6th Class) - pupils wear tracksuits.
Friday 26th April - Swimming lesson 2 for all pupils in Coral Leisure Centre - pupils wear tracksuits.
Children must wear tracksuits/leggings and runners on days when PE activities are taking place.
This month we will be running 2 after school soccer sessions with Euan Treanor from FAI:
Tuesday 16th April and Tuesday 30th April.
Please log into your Aladdin Connect page and click on new Permissions option to grant or reject permission for your child to take part in the after school soccer before Monday next 15th April.
After School activities are covered by DEIS funding.
Swimming lessons for all pupils will take place on the following dates:
Friday 19th April, 26h April, 3th May, 10th May, 17th May and 24th May.
P.E. clothes should be worn. A swimming hat is needed for the pool. Please check your child's feet for verrucas in advance of lessons. The pool staff will also check on the first day and if a child has a verruca they will not be allowed in without swimming socks. Lunch will be eaten before we leave and when we return. There will be cold lunches on swimming days (a sandwich, fruit and water) but if pupils wish to bring extra food on swimming days that is fine. Cost per pupil per lesson is €7 (€42 for 6 weeks). Full payment must be made in advance by cheque, draft or online.
Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56
When using online banking please put your name on the reference line so we know it’s your payment.
Please log into your Aladdin Connect page to indicate that your child is going swimming.
Aquatics is one of the strands of the Primary School PE curriculum and it is expected that all children attend swimming lessons. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to gain confidence in water, a skill that all children should have. If you have any questions regarding swimming lessons please contact your child's teacher.
Christopher Gray and his workers were in school during the Easter holidays working on our new sensory room. This has been a work in progress which is nearing fruition. We have converted two unused toilets along the corridor into a new sensory room. Thanks to a grant received from SSE Renewables Cavan Monaghan Fund, the room will now be equipped with the items which will make it a calm relaxing space for children who need a short break from the classroom. Many thanks to our caretaker Darren for overseeing this work during the holidays.
Check your child's lunch order as there have been some new items added to the Fresh Today Menu for this term. It is important to talk to your child/children about their lunch and change their order if they do not like what they are getting on specific days. Many thanks to Fresh Today for providing all children with treat bags and cream eggs at the end of last term.
During the last term our school's Healthy Eating Policy was revisited by staff and updated. Parental input was sought during the process, the draft policy was discussed at length at staff meetings and the final policy was drafted and brought to the Board of Management for discussion before it was ratified by the Board. A copy of the policy will be added to the school website. All families will also receive a copy of the policy this week. Please familiarise yourself with it's contents especially the section on foods which are recommended, foods which are not recommended and foods which are not permitted.
If children bring foods to school which are not permitted they will be sent home in their lunch boxes, this includes biscuits/buns/bars.
Many thanks once again to our Parents' Association committee for organising the Spring Fashion Fundraiser on Wednesday 20th March. It was a great evening and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. It was great to see the local community supporting the event.