October Newsletter 2022
New Heating System
The work on our new heating and plumbing systems is hopefully nearing an end. We should be able to turn on the heat this week. As the weather turns cooler and wetter children should bring coats to school as they will need them when outdoors at break and lunch-time.
Bug Hotel & Bird Feeder
On Monday 19th September Jim McKenna very kindly came to school with his bug hotel and bird feeder. He spoke to the children about the importance of ‘making a difference’ to someone else. Jim doesn’t accept payment for his work but instead asks that people fundraise/make a donation to a local charity in order to make a difference. With this in mind we are planning to hold a non-uniform day, and movie afternoon on Wednesday 26th October. Children will be asked to bring a donation for a local charity (to be decided upon). We also ask that parents contribute items to be sold at a cake sale – tray bakes etc. and all money raised will also be donated. Further information will be sent out to you nearer the time.
Cash For Clobber
Our annual Cash for Clobber collection will take place on Tuesday 8th November. All unwanted clothes, bed linen, towels, shoes (paired) may be left into school before the October midterm break if wished or on Monday 7th November/Tuesday morning 8th November. The money raised from the collection will be used to buy much needed resources for the school. Please spread the word amongst friends, neighbours and family members. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Book Bills
Book bills will be issued next week. Your child’s bill includes all workbooks which pupils write in, rental of text books, readers, novels etc. It also includes photocopying costs, copy books and arts and crafts materials. Many children receive individual teacher designed booklets as opposed to specific workbooks which require much photocopying. Text books are the property of the school and must be returned at the end of the year in good condition. Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced.
This year’s bills will also include €14 for football coaching and €5.30 for school insurance. Please note we will not be accepting any cash payments. Bills should be paid online (details will be included with your bill) or by cheque / draft from bank or Credit Union.
Children are enjoying football with Euan on Fridays. This will continue until Friday 28th October.
Student Council
Over the coming weeks, pupils in 2nd-6th classes will be learning about a Student Council. Ms. Fitzpatrick (who teaches in senior room on Tuesdays) is going to speak to the children about forming a student council, the election of pupils to go on the council and the importance of a student council within the school. This is an exciting opportunity for some children to serve on a council.
Aladdin Connect
It is great to see parents using the Aladdin Connect app. Please see the attached sheet which outlines how to record your son’s/daughter’s absence on Aladdin in advance of the absence or after they have been absent. This makes the recording of absences on the school system much more efficient. At any time you may log into Aladdin and fill in a reason for absence. Aladdin is used to send notes to parents – if you do not receive a notification to say there is a message on Aladdin you may need to check your settings on your device. Some parents may not have down loaded the Aladdin Connect App on their phones. The attached leaflet will take you through the steps for downloading the app which advised to do.
Board of Management Election
Please return nomination slips to school before Thursday next 6th October if you are willing to put your name forward as the female parent representative on the BOM to fill the vacancy which has arisen. Voting papers will be sent to all parents before midterm with the names of those willing to serve on the Board until 30th November 2023 when new Boards of Management will be formed. All parents, male and female will be entitled to vote.
Children’s Book Festival
Pupils in 2nd-6th class are going to Monaghan County Library tomorrow Tuesday to listen to Shane Hegarty author of ‘Boot’ the robot as part of the Children’s Book Festival. Pupils in the junior room will visit our local library in Ballybay this week. Another event taking place locally is author Ronan Moore who brings a young Fionn MaC Cumhaill to life in Carrickmacross Library on Saturday 15th October at 11am.
School Lunches
To date all pupils have been receiving cold lunches and this has been working well. Hot lunches won’t be provided until after midterm at the earliest. There will be an opportunity for parents to view and taste hot lunches in the coming weeks. We are trying to organise this some night as many parents work during the day and are unavailable to come to a tasting session during the afternoon. Please liaise with your child/children when ordering lunches. Some children don’t seem to like what is being ordered. Any uneaten lunches/food is being sent home.
School will be closed from Monday 31st October - Friday 4th November inclusive for mid-term. Please check the school website ballybaycns.com and Aladdin Connect for this year’s school calendar for additional closing dates.