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September Newsletter 2023



Welcome back to a new school year at Ballybay Central and we extend a very warm welcome to Moriah, Lauren, Sam, Harper, Chloe, Mark, Daniel, Louise, Katie and Bethany who have joined our school this September.  We hope you will be very happy with us.  We also welcome Niamh Donaghy and Lauren Angell who have joined the staff.  Ms Donaghy will be teaching in the Senior Room every Tuesday and Ms Lauren is our EAL teacher this year.

Fresh Today

Fresh Today lunches recommence today, 4th September for pupils in Senior Infants upwards.  The log in details from last year are the same.  Please order/make any changes before 5.00pm each Thursday for the following week.  If you don’t change the order your child will receive the same lunch each week.  Please check in with your child/children to see what they like or don’t like.  Younger children can get upset if they continue to receive a lunch they don’t like!  Lunches for Junior Infants will begin on Thursday 14th September and they will receive log in details before then.  If your child/children are never going to avail of the free lunch being provided please let the office know and they will be taken off the system.

Please remember to provide a healthy snack for first break.  CRISPS, CHOCOLATE BARS, CHOCOLATE BISCUITS ETC. ARE NOT ALLOWED.  Suggested alternatives are fruit, crackers, salted popcorn, yoghurts, cheese, wraps, pasta, sandwiches, bread sticks, rice cakes, sugar free jelly or vegetables.

Aladdin Connect

Later today you will be requested to give or decline permission for 2 separate items on Aladdin Connect:

  • Use of photographs – this is giving permission for your child’s photo to be used during the year on the school website, newsletter, the local newspaper etc. children are not named when photographs are used.  If you do not give consent your child won’t be photographed in school.
  • Taking part in school activities outside the school grounds. This includes walks, trips to the local park/playground, visits to other educational facilities/schools, school tours etc.

Please check your Aladdin and accept or decline permission as appropriate.

Aladdin will be used for all correspondence from school this year.  Please note you are unable to reply to an Aladdin notification or to send a message using Aladdin.  Later in the year Aladdin will be used to book Parent/Teacher Meeting appointments.  If your child is absent, being collected early or arriving late to school, please use Aladdin to inform their teacher.


PE will be on Fridays for this term and we look forward to welcoming Euan Treanor soccer coach with the FAI for the next 6 Fridays.

Children should wear tracksuits and runners every Friday for P.E.


Please ensure jumpers are named – especially during this warm weather as they can get mixed up when taken off.  School uniform must be worn Monday-Thursday.

Text Books/Stationery

The Free Primary Schoolbooks Scheme means that parents are no longer required to contribute to the cost of schoolbooks.  Therefore you will not be charged for book rental as other years.  All books and resources used to implement the curriculum are the property of the school and if damaged or lost must be replaced.


The photographer will visit the school on Tuesday 3rd October.

Parents’ Meeting

All parents are invited to attend a meeting in the school on Wednesday13th September at 7.30pm.  Staff will be present at the meeting to discuss the school curriculum, routines and general school policies.  It is important that each family is represented at the meeting.

Cash For Clobber

Our annual Cash for Clobber collection will take place on Friday10th November.  All unwanted clothes, bed linen, towels, shoes (paired) may be left into school after the October midterm break.  The money raised from the collection will be used to buy much needed resources for the school. Please spread the word amongst friends, neighbours and family members.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

Hedgerow Week

This is Hedgerow Week, an initiative of Teagasc and The Heritage Council.  Ross Cochrane will visit the school this week and will speak to 4th-6th Classes about the importance of our hedgerows.


Written homework will begin next Monday.

Contacting the School

If you need to contact a member of staff, please ring 042 9741365 before 9.20am or after 3.10pm.  The school secretary works on Mondays and Wednesdays.  If you require to discuss a matter in depth with a teacher, a meeting will be arranged which will take place before or after school.  The reason for requesting a meeting should be indicated in advance.  Teachers must not be contacted on their personal mobile numbers or personal email addresses.

Ballybay Central National School

School Calendar 2023-2024

School Re-opens Wednesday 30th August
Mid-Term Break Monday 30th October-Friday 3rd November inclusive
Christmas Closing Friday 22nd December @ 12 (Mon 25th-Fri 5th Jan)
Re-opening Monday 8th January 2024
St. Brigid’s Day Monday 5th February
Mid-Term Break Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February
St. Patrick’s Day Monday 18th March
Easter Closing Friday 22nd March @ 12 (last day of school)
Re-opening Monday 8th April
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May
Bank Holiday Monday 3rd June
Summer Holidays Closing Friday 21st June



End of Year School Newsletter 2023


It’s hard to believe we have reached the last month of this academic year already.  The year seems to have flown by; it has been very busy with the children participating in many educational events and trips throughout the year.  During this year we have welcomed many new children and families to our school community.  The current enrolment is 65 pupils and looking forward to next year the enrolment will be similar.  We would like to say goodbye and best wishes to our 6th class pupils as they leave us to begin the next chapter in their educational journey in secondary schools in Monaghan, Castleblayney and Ballybay – best wishes to Hanny, Madison, Levi, Emma, Jake, Elizabeth L, Josh, Lydia, Elizabeth M, Lewis and Kyle.  We also bid farewell to Anna and her Mum Eniko as they leave the area to return to Europe.   We are looking forward to welcoming our new Junior Infants to an induction morning today.

School Uniform

The importance of wearing the correct school uniform cannot be emphasised enough.  When buying school uniform over the summer please bare in mind that all children must wear plain black shoes/runners.  Runners or shoes with logos, white soles and in various colours (including navy) are not part of the uniform.  It has been noted that some children are currently wearing the incorrect footwear.                 

In September parents will be contacted if children are not wearing the correct uniform.  They will be required to buy the appropriate footwear/uniform so please do not buy something that is not going to be permitted to be worn in school.

Spare Uniform

As we come to the end of the school year, if anyone has pieces of uniform they no longer require, they would be gratefully accepted in school.

Free Primary School Books

The Minister of Education has made available a School Book Grant which will provide free school books for all children in Primary Schools from September 2023.  This grant will include the cost of all textbooks, readers, workbooks and copybooks.  Parents will no longer be charged a book rental fee.  We will provide all books which will remain the property of the school and must be returned at the end of each year.  We are asking parents to supply an appropriate filled pencil case for their child/children.  Each class teacher will be in touch before school reopens with details of what is required.

End of Year Family Fun Evening

The Parent’s Association have organised a family treasure hunt for all children and families on Monday 19th June at 7.00pm.  Pupils are encouraged to attend with members of their family.  Everyone is asked to meet in Ballybay Park on the evening. Following the treasure hunt everyone will move up to the school grounds for refreshments.  The evening will end at 9.00pm.  Pupils will not be permitted to take part in the treasure hunt without an adult present in their group.

P.E. Days

P.E. will take place on Fridays until the end of term as we are finished swimming lessons.  Children should wear uniforms Monday-Thursday and tracksuits on Fridays for the remainder of this term.

The last day for wearing school uniform this year will be Wednesday 14th June.  Children may wear their own clothes from Thursday 15th June onwards.  Wednesday 14th June will also be the last night of homework this year.

Looking Ahead

Sports Day will take place for all children on Friday this week.  Junior and Senior Infants are to stay until 3.00pm.  Children in 2nd-6th Class are going on a trip to Baird’s Shore and the water treatment plant in Corcaghan on Thursday 8th June.  A trip to Rossmore Forest Park will also take place before the end of term, the date will be confirmed.

Dogs Trust Ireland

Well done to 2nd and 3rd Class who completed 100 Skips A Day In May.  They raised a total of €110 for Dogs Trust Ireland.  This is a great achievement.

School Reports

School reports will be released on Aladdin on Wednesday 14th June.  If you are unable to access Aladdin or have not signed up for Aladdin please contact the office.

Class Arrangements for 2023-2024

It is quite difficult to make definite plans for September at this stage but class arrangements for next year are provisionally as follows:

Junior & Senior Infants – Mrs Boyle

First, Second & Third Class – Ms Brown

Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Class – Mrs Pepper

Special Education Teacher – Mrs Patton

Principal Release Day Teacher – TBC


We thank Ms Moffett for all her hard work and dedication this year while covering Mrs Patton’s leave and wish her well in her teaching career.  During July both Ms Brown and Ms Moffett will be getting married.  On behalf of the entire school community we would like to wish them both God’s richest blessing on their wedding days.

We also thank Ms Fitzpatrick for her contribution to our school this year.  Ms Fitzpatrick taught in the Senior Room each Tuesday.  The children thoroughly enjoyed her art classes!  Ms Fitzpatrick also established a Student Council in the school and co-ordinated many events with the Student Council.

On behalf of the staff I would like to wish each and everyone in the school community a happy, joyous and sun filled summer.  Thank you for your support throughout the last year.  Enjoy the break from school routine and spending quality time together.




And reopens at 9.00 for all pupils on Wednesday 30th August.







May Newsletter 2023

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons for all pupils continue this month. The last swimming date is Thursday 25th May.  If a parent is at the pool to dry and dress a younger pupil, siblings may also go home from the pool.  Please ensure you let your child’s class teacher know if they are going home from the pool by emailing the school beforehand.

Active School Week

We had great fun last week during Active School Week and the weather was kind to us also.  Dessie Ward put the children through their paces on Monday.  Circuits in the playground and a scavenger hunt in the park took place on Tuesday and Friday.  Elaine Keogh from Jungle Body got everyone moving on Wednesday.  This was followed by fruit skewers which the children created themselves.  We also enjoyed our lunch outdoor on Friday.  It was great to see the range of activities children took part in each evening – it is safe to say we have some very active children in Ballybay Central School!



School Tour

We have booked Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre from 10.00am – 3.00pm on Monday 22nd May.  Please arrive for 9.40am and drive to the main gates and keep straight towards the ‘castle’.  There is parking space at the castle and this is where we will meet everyone.  Please do not drive over to the Adventure Centre or park in another car park.  When everyone has arrived we will walk down the path to the centre together. 

One half of the group will be rotating around land sessions (Archery, Team Games, Orienteering, and Climbing), while the other half will be on the water(weather depending either Paddle boarding or Canoeing). 

Children in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st class will not be in the water but should bring spare clothes in case they get wet/dirty. They will need to wear old clothes and suitable footwear. 

Children in the middle and senior rooms will be in the water. Wetsuits are provided and are sanitized after each use. Water shoes/old runners can be worn also but children must bring their own. They will need togs/shorts and t-shirts to wear under their wetsuits and suitable old clothes and footwear for the land activities. 

Children will need to bring a substantial packed lunch.  Instead of packed lunches from Fresh Today we are getting treat bags for each child so there is no need to bring additional treats.  Also remember to send sun cream, if required.

Children should be collected from the car park in front of the castle at 3.00/3.15pm.

Please forward payment of €27.50 per child to the school via on line banking. 

The details of the school account are below: 


IBAN: IE20 AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56 


Account Name: Ballybay Central School 


Please put your family name/child's name on the payment.

You will receive a receipt from Sandra in the office after payment has been received. 


Induction Morning

An induction morning for those enrolled in Junior Infants for September 2023 will take place on Wednesday 7th June, 10.00-12.00.  Parents of those enrolled will receive further information.


Stranooden Group Water Scheme

Pupils in 2nd-6th Class have been invited to learn more about water quality and water protection while also exploring The Journey of Water from Source to Tap.  A trip to the lake at Baird’s Shore will be followed by a visit to the water treatment plant at Corcaghan on Thursday 8th June.  This trip is being organised by Ross MacDonald, Stranooden Group Water Scheme.

Dogs Trust

For the month of May, 2nd and 3rd Class will be taking part in ‘100 skips a day in May’ for Dogs Trust Ireland.  They plan to go outside every day in May and complete 100 skips each day and in doing so; we hope to raise money for Dogs Trust Ireland.  Dogs Trust Ireland is an amazing charity that work hard to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home dogs throughout Ireland.


Please check your Aladdin Connect for any outstanding unexplained absences.  Any absence that hasn’t been explained is marked unexplained.  Please note teachers are not responsible for filling in reasons for absences.

End of Year Fun Night

Please keep Monday 19th June free for the End of Year Fun Night.  This year the Parents’ Association are organising a treasure/scavenger hunt around the town with refreshments being served in school afterwards.  More details to follow.

Dates For Your Diary

  • School will be closed on Monday 5th June for the Bank Holiday.
  • Reminder: school will be closed on Tuesday 6th June due to a staff planning day.
  • School closes at 12.00 on Wednesday 21st June for Summer holidays.
  • School will re-open for the next academic year on Wednesday 30th August for all pupils.





     April Newsletter 2023

Welcome back to the last term of this academic year – it’s hard to believe there are less than 10 weeks left and we hope those weeks will be filled with plenty of fun, sun and happy days at school.  As we move into the 3rd term we are conscious that for some children this will mean their final term in primary school.  We hope 6th class will especially enjoy this term before they move on to their respective secondary schools in September.

Staff Planning Day

School will be closed on Tuesday 6th June for a Staff Planning Day.

Student Council

The Student Council very ably organised the final day of term before the Easter holidays.  Unfortunately the weather didn’t oblige and their Easter Egg hunt took place indoors.  During the morning all children decorated Easter bunnies and also enjoyed a table quiz.  Many thanks to all who helped out on the day.

Active School Week

National Active School Week takes place from 24-28 April (next week) and all schools are encouraged to participate.  During the week we will be promoting the benefits of physical activity and all children will be participating in a range of activities every day.  Children are to wear TRACKSUITS & RUNNERS (no uniform) all next week.  Instead of written homework children will be required to complete physical activities.

Healthy Eating Policy

Please remind yourself of the school’s Healthy Eating Policy which is copied below.  Children are not permitted to bring biscuits, chocolate, sweets, bars, chocolate spread, crisps and chewing gum etc. to school for snacks.  Recently some children have had some of the above items in their lunch boxes and this is unfair to others who don’t have them.

Healthy Eating Policy

What people eat is known to be one of the key factors influencing long term health of school children and staff.  The school day provides the opportunity for having at least one of the daily meals within the school.  Food is often a feature of school celebrations.  The curriculum provides an opportunity to learn and explore about food and healthy lifestyles.  Through these guidelines Ballybay Central N.S. aims to help all those involved in our school community, e.g. children, staff and parents in developing positive and responsible attitudes to eating and to appreciate the contribution that good food makes to health.

  1. A healthy lunchbox includes a helping of food from the first four shelves of the food pyramid.
  2. Special occasions (as decided by teacher) are treat days. The school encourages non-food related treats.
  3. Some of the healthy snacks that we encourage include; wraps, pasta, sandwiches, bread sticks, rice cakes, crackers, plain standard yoghurts, sugar free jelly, fruit, vegetables, cheese, cream crackers, salted popcorn. Pre-packed cheese, chocolate spreads, chocolate/cheese dips, and chewy/sticky bars and sweets are not advisable at any time.
  4. Chewing gum, nuts, crisps and cereal bars are not permitted. Foods which have wrappers (i.e. tinfoil) are to be kept to a minimum and disposed of properly to reduce litter and protect our school environment.
  5. Healthier choices of drinks include milk and water. Yoghurt drinks are also a healthy option.  Pure unsweetened juices or well diluted sugar free squashes (1:10) may be included but only as part of their lunch meal, to reduce the risk of tooth decay.  Other drinks such as sweetened fruit juices, fruit drinks e.g. cartons of juice, squashes, fizzy drinks (including diet drinks and sparkling water) should be avoided due to their sugar and/or acid content, as these are also harmful to teeth.

 (Always encourage your children to brush their teeth before going to school and going to bed with a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste).

  1. Nutrition and healthy eating will be included as part of the school curriculum.

Fresh Today Lunches

Please check Fresh Today for their new menus as communicated to you by email before Easter.  There are some new food options for the summer term.  All children who receive hot school lunches will receive a packed lunch (sandwich, snack & fruit) on swimming days from this week onwards.  Children may eat some of their lunch before going swimming and have the rest on their return. 

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons for all pupils will take place on the following dates:

Thursday 20th April, 27h April, 4th May, 11th May, 18th May and 25th May.  Children will leave school at 12.20pm and return to school by 2.30pm.  P.E. clothes should be worn.  A swimming hat is needed for the pool.  Lunch will be eaten before we leave and when we return.  Cost per pupil per lesson is €7 (€42 for 6 weeks).  Full payment must be made in advance by cheque, draft or online.                                   NO CASH WILL BE EXCEPTED.

  • Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56

When using online banking please put your name on the reference line so we know it’s your payment.

Please note staff are not permitted to dry children so if your child is in Junior classes and need help to dry/dress you must organise a responsible person to do this (i.e. yourself, older sibling or another parent).  Staff will ensure younger children are able to undress, (it is helpful if swimming togs are already on underneath clothes) put belongings in a locker and get to the pool area.  This is all part of the experience and is promoting independence for younger children.  For those attending to assist with drying and dressing you should be at the pool at 12.45.                                         Junior and Senior Infants may go home from the pool if parents are there.  Please let the teacher know if you will be taking your child home as their school bag will be taken on the bus.  All other children will return to school on the bus.

Parents’ Association

Many thanks to the Parents’ Association committee for organising a wonderful evening with Wilma Simpson, JP Flowers, Monaghan.  The evening was well attended and to date €2026 has been raised from ticket sales, donations and purchases on the night.  Thank you to all who bought and sold tickets and donations.  Some of this money will be used to support transport costs for swimming and tours.

Bus Eireann

Applications for school transport for the 2023-2024 school year are now being taken for new applicants.  The closing date for all new applications is 28th April 2023.  If your child is starting secondary school in September and will require school transport you must log into www.buseireann/ to register.  If your child is starting primary school in September or is already in primary school but not availing of school transport and would like to use it, you must apply before 28th April 2023.

School Uniform

Following the recent parent survey in order to ascertain satisfaction with the current school uniform over 80% of parents surveyed were either satisfied or very satisfied.   This means that our current school uniform will not be undergoing any changes.  With that in mind I wish to remind parents of the current school uniform:

  • Grey trousers, skirts, pinafores
  • Grey shirt
  • Plain red jumper
  • Grey and red tie
  • Plain black shoes/runners (ankle boots)

All pupils must wear the correct school uniform.  We pride ourselves on the uniform and comments are often made to us about how smart the children look.  Some people have started wearing the incorrect shoes – e.g. coloured runners, runners with logos, brown boots etc.  We don’t have a P.E. uniform and so children are free to wear their choice of runners and tracksuits on P.E. days.  Other children have become very casual about not wearing ties.   If ties are lost please purchase new ties in Crawfords.  Children are and will be given opportunities to wear ‘casual clothes’ throughout the year.  Your support is ensuring children are wearing the correct uniform is appreciated.

School Drop Off & Pick Up

As per email sent to all families before Easter can we remind you to be extra vigilant when dropping off and picking up children from the school gate?  Some parents have started coming after 3.05 to collect and this has definitely made a difference at the gate in the afternoon. In order to ensure the safety of all children school staff will not just let children walk out the gate until they know where their car is and if it is safe to leave the school grounds.  Parents of younger children should come to the gate to collect their children otherwise children will remain on the school premises until it is safe for them to leave.

School Tours/Trips

A school trip has been organised to Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre for all pupils on Monday 22nd May.  Parents will need to bring children to the adventure centre at Lough Muckno, Castleblayney that morning and collect from there in the afternoon.  More details will be issued nearer the time.  We plan on visiting Rossmore Forest Park for a fun day out in June.

FAI Soccer Tournament

Congratulations to Elizabeth L, Kyle, Ethan, Adam, Jake, Joshua, Levi and Seamus who represented the school at the FAI 5-a-side soccer tournament this week.

Dates For Your Diary

Thursday 20th April    – Swimming lessons for all pupils commence for 6 weeks

Monday 24th –Friday 28th April    - Active School Week

Monday 1st May          - School Closed Bank Holiday

Monday 22nd May       - Trip to Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre

Thursday 25th May      - Last swimming lesson

Monday 5th June                    - School Closed Bank Holiday

Tuesday 6th June          - School Closed Staff Planning Day (Primary Language Curriculum/New Primary Curriculum)

Wednesday 14th June   - School Reports issued on Aladdin Connect

Wednesday 21st June   - School Closes at 12.00 for Summer Holidays



World Book Day

World Book Day is being celebrated on Thursday 2nd March.  We are looking forward to a great day at school which will begin with a Fashion Show!  Pupils (and staff) are encouraged to come to school dressed as a character from a book.  Pupils should wear their outfits to school on Thursday and should wear something warm underneath.  There will be prizes in each classroom (1st, 2nd & 3rd) for the most creative outfits.  Throughout the day the children will take part in different activities all promoting books and reading.  Each child will receive a World Book Day Token (€1.50) which may be exchanged in Easons for a World Book Day book or used as a discount on another book of choice.

 Book Swap

As part of World Book Day our Student Council are hosting a “book swap”.  There may be books in your home that your children have finished with.  The Student Council would like children to bring 1 or 2 books to school (in good condition) that they are finished with (and won’t be getting back).  The Student Council will organise the books and then each class will be allocated a time to view the books and take a book if they wish.

Pupil Absences/Aladdin

Please use Aladdin Connect to record reasons for absences.  Aladdin connect may also be used to check your child’s attendance.  Under the Education Welfare Act 2000, schools are obliged to submit reports to Tusla Education Support Services twice a year.  This is a legislative requirement.  In December and June each year Aladdin generates the names of children who have been absent for 20+ days and the reasons for the absences.  If reasons aren’t given they are recorded as unexplained.  Parents should submit reasons for absences themselves on Aladdin Connect.  You may go back and fill in reasons after an absence.  Please use the attached information sheet to help you fill in reasons for absences on Aladdin.  Please come and speak with the Principal, if for whatever reason, you are unable to access your Aladdin Connect.

Flower Demonstration

Each family should have received four tickets to sell for the upcoming Flower Demonstration in 2nd Ballybay Hall on 28th March at 7.30pm.  This will be a great night as Wilma’s flower demonstrations are excellent.  The arrangements Wilma makes will be auctioned off at the end and money raised from the auction will also go towards the Parents’ Association funds.  Supper will be served also.  Please let your family, friends, neighbours and relations know about the evening and if you require additional tickets contact Sandra in the office.  If you are unable to sell your tickets a monetary (€40) contribution would be greatly appreciated.  All funds raised by the Parents’ Association benefits all children in the school.

School Uniform Review

The Board of Management is undertaking a review of the current school uniform.  You will receive a survey (by email) today and it is important everyone responds to the survey.  The initial survey is to find out what the general satisfaction level is with the current uniform.  If the majority of parents are satisfied with the uniform, there will be no change made.  Any changes made will not come into effect until September.


Pupils in all classes will go to Monaghan Leisure centre for 6 weeks swimming lessons beginning on Thursday 20th April.  We will leave school at 12.20 and return at 2.30/2.40.  Lunch will be eaten at 12.00 on swimming days.  Pupils in junior classes who need assistance drying and getting dressed must have an adult with them at the pool.  STAFF ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ASSIST CHILDREN DRYING AND DRESSING.

If parents are at the pool children may go home with them from the pool at the end of the lesson.  The Leisure Centre has informed the school that from 1st January 2023 the school is charged for the number of pupils booked in initially,  i.e. if 62 pupils are booked in,  62 lessons must be paid for each week regardless if pupils attend or not.  The cost per pupils is €7 per pupils (€42 in total for 6 lessons).  The Parents’ Association are subsidising the cost of the buses.  Money must be paid online to the school’s bank account before Thursday 20th April.  All 6 lessons must be paid for in advance.

  • Cheque/draft from bank or Credit Union or
  • Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56

Please include your name or children’s names when paying.   Sandra will issue a receipt for payments.  If you wish to discuss as aspect of swimming or the cost for swimming please contact the Principal.  Swimming is one of the strands in the PE curriculum and therefore it is expected all children attend.

Student Council

Our Student Council have been meeting with Ms. Fitzpatrick regularly.  They have some great ideas coming up which they will share with everyone shortly.  Members of the Student Council have been busy working on high vis jackets which they will wear in the playground at break and lunch time.  If someone is feeling left out in the yard or has nothing to play they can go to one of the Student Council members wearing the high vis and they will organise an activity for them to do.  Many thanks to our Student Council for coming up with this initiative.

School Closures

Please note school is closed on Thursday 16th March (staff planning day) and Friday 17th March  (St. Patrick’s Day).

School closes at 12.00 on Friday 31st March for Easter and reopens on Monday 17th April.


Open Afternoon

An Open Afternoon takes place on Wednesday next 15th February.  Parents and children are welcome to visit the school between 1.30 and 3.00pm.  Application forms and Parents’ Booklets will be available on the afternoon for those wishing to enrol for September 2023.  The closing date for receipt of application is Tuesday 21st February.  The Board of Management will accept late application after this date.  If you know of any families considering enrolling their child in Ballybay Central please remind them about the Open Afternoon.

Credit Union Quiz

Congratulations to Hanny Avelino, Emma Fuller, Elizabeth Lelo and Lydia McAdam who represented our school at the recent Credit Union Schools Quiz held in Pearse Brothers GAA. It was a very close competition with the girls in joint first place after 9 rounds.  After the 12 rounds the girls finished in 3rd place, 2 points behind the winning team.  This was a fantastic achievement and we thank the girls for representing the school so well.

Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association are holding a fundraising Flower Demonstration on Tuesday 28th March at 7.30pm in Hall Street.  Wilma Simpson from JP Flowers, Monaghan will create beautiful floral displays which will be auctioned off on the night.  All money raised will go to the school’s Parents’ Association funds.  Each family will be given 4 tickets to sell after midterm- for those unable to sell their tickets or who are unable to attend a monetary donation (€40) would be greatly appreciated in lieu.  There will be an envelope included with your tickets, please put your donation in it, seal it and return it to the school office.  All families and their children benefit from the Parents’ Association funding and so it is important all families support their fundraising endeavors.  This is the first year since Covid the Parents’ Association have been able to hold a fundraiser.  We are looking forward to a great evening.  Additional tickets will be available through the school’s office if required.

Covid Questionnaire

We have been asked to access the impact of Covid on children’s learning, wellbeing and social emotional development over the last three years.  Each family will receive a questionnaire today (check school bags).  Please complete and return to the school on or before Tuesday next, 14th February.

School Closures/Aladdin Connect

School will be closed on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th February for midterm break.  School will also be closed on Thursday 16th March for a staff planning day and Friday 17th March for St. Patrick’s Day.  Please note all school closures are on the calendar on your Aladdin Connect page.  It is great to note that 97% of parents have registered on Aladdin Connect.   Moving forward all notifications regarding school events etc. will only be sent using Aladdin so it is important all parents are registered but also that they are receiving notifications.  If you are having any difficulty with Aladdin please come in and see Mrs. Pepper.  End of year school reports will only be sent on Aladdin this year.  Please ensure you use Aladdin to inform staff of any absences, late arrivals or early pickups.  Reasons for absences must also be submitted on Aladdin.


    January 2023  Newsletter


Happy New Year to everyone.  We hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed some ‘down time’ – a break from school routine and a chance to recharge the batteries.  This term at school continues until Friday 31st March and includes the following closures:

  • Monday 6th February (Bank Holiday)
  • Thursday 16th & Friday 17th February (Mid Term)
  • Thursday 16th March (Staff Training in the Primary Language Curriculum)
  • Friday 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day)
  • Friday 31st March closing at 12.00 (Easter Holidays)


Welcome back to Mrs Boyle who has been on extended maternity leave during 2022.  A presentation was made to Ms McCarney by the Parents’ Association at the Carol Service.  The school children also presented Ms McCarney with a card and a present on her last day.  We wish Ms McCarney well as she sets off on her travels in February and we are delighted to have Mrs Boyle back in the Junior Classroom.

Ballybay Cancer Society

On Friday 16th December children and staff donned their Christmas jumpers, dresses, hats, socks, bobbles and anything that felt Christmassy and walked to school through the park.  On arrival at school a band of parents provided us with toast, tea and orange juice all of which went down well.  Children donated money for Ballybay Cancer Society on the day and a total of €240 was collected.  Many thanks to all who donated and also to the parents who helped out on the morning.

Christmas Food Appeal

Many thanks to all who donated so generously to our Christmas Food Appeal for Teach na Daoine in Monaghan.  Jill from Teach na Daoine collected the food items on Tuesday 20th December and told us how appreciative she was that the children in Ballybay Central had donated so much.  The food items were used in the run up to Christmas and in their ‘Food Pantry’ in January.


The Parents’ Association very kindly donated a selection box to each child on the day of the Christmas holidays.  They also contributed €100 to the Skip n Rope workshops and €275 towards the transport costs for school trips before Christmas.  Without the monetary contribution from the Parents’ Association parents would either have to pay a lot more for these ‘extra’ activities or there would be no extra activities at all due to high costs.  I encourage everyone to support the Parents’ Association in 2023 with their fundraising endeavours.

It is important to acknowledge and thank all those who helped with the supper after the School Carol Service on 19th December.  Those who donated food, set up, served food and washed and tidied up after.  It was much appreciated.


Tracksuits and runners must be worn on FRIDAYS for this term.  Pupils are expected to wear school uniform Monday-Thursday.

Student Council

Congratulations to our Student Council on organising a Pick & Make Christmas Competition in December.  This was their first initiative and it was a great success!  The following were the prize winners:

Junior Classroom - Craft        Junior Room - Pictures

1st Bryan Coleman                  1st Theodore Patton

2nd John Roche                       2nd Blake Steenson 

3rd Joshua Bann                      3rd Charlotte Mc Adam

Middle Classroom                Senior Classroom    

1st Joshua Lees                      1st Levi Dixon

2nd Emily Gilliland                  2nd Elif Dinler

3rd Kira Sobol                        3rd Seamus Brady 

Teachers’ Prize 

Ms Brown 


All children enjoyed an outing before Christmas.  The Juniors went to the Garge Theatre in Monaghan on 8th December to see ‘Old Mothers Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas’ while pupils in 3rd-6th Class travelled to Omagh on the 14th December to the Ulster American Folk Park to view ‘Christmas in the Country’.  Both trips were very enjoyable – it is great to be able to bring the children on trips like these again after two years of Covid lockdowns.

Fresh Today Lunches

If anybody has any issues regarding school lunches/meals please contact Fresh Today directly.

 Applications for September 2022

Applications are being taken for the 2023-2024 academic year from next Monday 16th January.  If you wish to enrol a child or you know of anyone who wishes to enrol a child, please contact the office for an application form.  Application forms will be available on our website later this week.


December Newsletter 2022

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,                 Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6



Many thanks to all who donated clothes to the recent Cash for Clobber clothes collection.   In total almost 800kg of clothes was collected.  The money raised from it will be used to buy resources in school.  15 shoeboxes were donated to Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.  Again many thanks to those who supported this appeal.


Congratulations to Hanny Avelino who was awarded 2nd place in 11-13 years category in the Credit Union art competition.  Hanny was presented with her prize at a prize giving on Saturday 19th November.

Student Council

The student council are running a Christmas Pick & Make Competition.  Any children who wish to participate have picked a Christmas word.  They have to represent the word in whatever medium they wish – bake, paint, build, write, draw or create (junior children are to draw their word).  Items must be returned by 12th December and they will be displayed in the hall.  Members of the student council will choose a 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize along with one prize for the staff entries.  Well done to our newly elected student council and Ms. Fitzpatrick for organising this competition.  We look forward to seeing the creative talents of our students.

Food Appeal

A box has been placed in the hall for items of non-perishable food for our food appeal.   Every year we are always delighted with the response to our food appeal which helps so many families at this time of year.  Please send items with your children during December.  Food items will be donated to local charity for distribution in the run up to Christmas.

Christmas Outings

A Christmas trip has been organised for all pupils as follows:

Junior & Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd Class – ‘Old Mother Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas’ in the Garage Theatre on Thursday next 8th December.

Children will leave school at 9.20am sharp and return before lunch.

3rd-6th Class:

Christmas in the Country at the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh on Wednesday 14th December.  Children will leave school at 9.15am and return at 3.00pm.

Cost per pupil per trip is €5.  As this money is being paid directly to the Garage Theatre and the Folk Park we are asking that children bring their €5 to school on the day  prior to the trip so as the secretary can have the money ready for payment on the day.  Please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

Many thanks to the Parents’ Association who are subsidising the cost of buses to both of these events.

Fresh Today are providing treat bags for all children for both trips and a packed lunch will be supplied for children in 3rd-6th classes for their trip (as they won’t be back in time for lunch time).  It’s great to be able to take the children to both these events this year.

Christmas Celebration

We are looking forward to celebrating the reason for the season in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church, Hall St, on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm.

Children will be taking part in the service and everyone is welcome to refreshments afterwards in the adjacent hall.  Many thanks to the members of the Parents’ Association for organising the refreshments.

Kris Kindle

It is the policy in our school that instead of the children exchanging Christmas presents with each other we implement Kris Kindle. Children will be given the name of who to buy for.   Please wrap it and put the name of the person it is for (but not who it is from) on the label.  We ask that all presents are brought into school between 12th and 16th December.  Please be mindful of the age and interests of the child your child has to buy for.  Please don’t include selection boxes in the presents.  All presents will be left in a box in the hall until Wednesday 21st when they will be distributed before children go home.

Christmas Cards

As is school policy we ask that children do not exchange Christmas cards with each other in school.

 Christmas Activities

 Thursday 8th December – Trip to Garage Theatre Infants-2nd class

Wednesday 14th December – Trip to Ulster American Folk Park 3rd-6th class

Friday 16th December – Festive Walk to School in aid of Ballybay Cancer Society – all children will meet at the Riverdale wearing festive jumpers, hats etc. and walk through the park.  We ask that children contribute €2 each which will be collected on the day for Ballybay Cancer Society. 

Monday 19th December – Christmas Celebration 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church 7.30.

Wednesday 21st December – School closes for Christmas Holidays at 12.00.

Thursday 5th January 2023 – School reopens for all pupils.


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

November  Newsletter 2022 

We hope everyone had an enjoyable midterm break.  Although there are just over 6 weeks in this half term there is a lot to fit in between now and Christmas!

We wish to extend a very warm welcome to Maksym (Junior Infants), Stefan and Dzamil (1st class), Ivan (2nd class) and Suleiman and Kira (3rd class). They have joined our school and along with their families are settling into our school community.  Many thanks to those who donated school bags, uniforms etc. to the children.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Wednesday 23rd November between 2.00pm and 6.00pm.  Parents received notification of the Parent Teacher Meetings schedule on Aladdin Connect.  If anyone is not using Aladdin Connect they will be offered a slot once everyone else has chosen theirs (after 21st November).  Parents can only log in from their allocated date and time and choose the 10 minute slot which suits.  Please note meetings will be 10 minutes (max) – in order for everyone to be seen at their allocated time, meetings will finish promptly.  School will finish at 2.00pm that day for all pupils.


P.E. will take place on Monday from now until Christmas.  Eamon Hughes from Monaghan GAA will be in the school each Monday.  School uniform must be worn on Fridays for this term.  Pupils in 4th-6th class are taking part in the Cycle Right Cycling programme with Bike Green for 6 weeks starting on Friday 11th November.  Pupils in the senior room should wear runners on Fridays.  Many thanks to Euan Treanor from Monaghan FAI who coached the children for 6 weeks.  Unfortunately due to wet weather we missed one week but we hope to get Euan back for a session during the summer term.

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

If anyone wishes to donate a Christmas shoebox to the Team Hope Appeal, please send shoeboxes to school before Friday 11th November.  Please follow the instructions on the leaflet sent home in relation to packing boxes and include €4 per box in the envelope provided on the leaflet or pay it online.

School Lunches

Hot school lunches are scheduled to begin this Thursday 10th November.  If you hadn’t logged in with your child’s new password before last Thursday your child will receive hot lunches as on their default menu.  Please log in before this Thursday to change lunch options for next week.  If anyone has mislaid passwords please contact the school and we will send the password to you.  We will not be sending home hot lunches not eaten as this would be too messy in school bags.  Please check with your child what lunches they like/don’t like and order accordingly.  If children are continually not eating lunch you will be contacted and asked to send in lunch for them instead.  You must continue to provide a snack for the first break.

Non Uniform/Movie day and Cake Sale

On Wednesday 26th October the boys and girls enjoyed their non uniform and movie day.  Each classroom watched a movie and enjoyed popcorn and sweets.  At lunch time the children had an opportunity to spend their money at the cake sale and all enjoyed the many treats they bought.  Later in the day we were overwhelmed with the number of parents and friends who came along to purchase cakes, buns etc.  The total amount raised from the non uniform day and cake sale was €508.75.  The money will be donated to the Camphill Community.  Jim McKenna who donated the bird feeder and bug hotel to our school had asked that we fund raise for a local charity instead of paying him for his wonderful work.  Jim sent the following message on hearing about our fund raiser:

“For a small school you are “Mighty” fundraisers…but more importantly you are nurturing the minds and spirits of the next generation for Star Fish Throwers”.  Jim told the starfish story to the children and encouraged them to do something to make a difference to someone else’s life, just as he had done by creating and donating his bird feeder and bug hotel to our school.  This is a valuable lesson for all of us especially coming into the Christmas season.  No act of kindness, regardless how small it may appear, is ever wasted.  When we make a decision to help others, this has a positive impact on ourselves and the people we help.

 Student Council Election Day

Ms Fitzpatrick has been teaching the children in the middle and senior rooms about student councils and how they work.  Children were nominated, posters designed and speeches written in anticipation for Election Day on 26th October.  Children from 2nd class upwards were given a ballot paper, went to the booth and chose 4 pupils from each room to serve on our first ever Student Council.  All the ballot papers were carefully placed in the ballot box.  The following eight pupils were elected:

  1. Annabelle Patton                                    5. Lydia McAdam
  2. Luke Gilliland                                           6. Hanny Avelino
  3. Amelia McAdam                                      7. Adam Anderson
  4. Hannea Avelino                                       8. Ethan Steenson

Congratulations and well done to all who took part in the process.  The first student council meeting will take place shortly with Ms Fitzpatrick.  We are looking forward to hearing about their plans for the school.    

Christmas Celebrations

An evening to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas will be held in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church on Monday 19th December at 7.30pm.  Further details will be issued next month.

Science Festival Event

As part of next week’s Science Festival we are pleased to be hosting a Coding Ireland – Code & Race Workshop for pupils in 3rd class upwards.  Many thanks to Karen McCague from Monaghan County Library for organising this.

Skip N Rope Workshop

On Thursday 24th November Mark McCabe from Skip N Rope will be delivering a skipping workshop to all pupils.  This workshop is being facilitated by Monaghan Sports Partnership and will cost €3 per child.  Monaghan Sports Partnership are subsidising the remaining costs.  As part of the workshop the school will receive a comprehensive rope set which includes 35 skipping ropes of various lengths.

Book Bills

Book bills are now overdue.  Please ensure bills are paid as soon as possible as the supplier is awaiting payment.  If you have misplaced your bill or the school’s bank details please contact Sandra in the office and she will resend them.



October Newsletter 2022

New Heating System

The work on our new heating and plumbing systems is hopefully nearing an end.  We should be able to turn on the heat this week.  As the weather turns cooler and wetter children should bring coats to school as they will need them when outdoors at break and lunch-time.

Bug Hotel & Bird Feeder

On Monday 19th September Jim McKenna very kindly came to school with his bug hotel and bird feeder.  He spoke to the children about the importance of ‘making a difference’ to someone else.  Jim doesn’t accept payment for his work but instead asks that people fundraise/make a donation to a local charity in order to make a difference.  With this in mind we are planning to hold a non-uniform day, and movie afternoon on Wednesday 26th October.  Children will be asked to bring a donation for a local charity (to be decided upon).  We also ask that parents contribute items to be sold at a cake sale – tray bakes etc. and all money raised will also be donated.  Further information will be sent out to you nearer the time.

Cash For Clobber

Our annual Cash for Clobber collection will take place on Tuesday 8th November.  All unwanted clothes, bed linen, towels, shoes (paired) may be left into school before the October midterm break if wished or on Monday 7th November/Tuesday morning 8th November.  The money raised from the collection will be used to buy much needed resources for the school. Please spread the word amongst friends, neighbours and family members.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

Book Bills

Book bills will be issued next week. Your child’s bill includes all workbooks which pupils write in, rental of text books, readers, novels etc.  It also includes photocopying costs, copy books and arts and crafts materials. Many children receive individual teacher designed booklets as opposed to specific workbooks which require much photocopying.  Text books are the property of the school and must be returned at the end of the year in good condition.  Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced.

This year’s bills will also include €14 for football coaching and €5.30 for school insurance. Please note we will not be accepting any cash payments. Bills should be paid online (details will be included with your bill) or by cheque / draft from bank or Credit Union.


Children are enjoying football with Euan on Fridays.  This will continue until Friday 28th October.

Student Council

Over the coming weeks, pupils in 2nd-6th classes will be learning about a Student Council.  Ms. Fitzpatrick (who teaches in senior room on Tuesdays) is going to speak to the children about forming a student council, the election of pupils to go on the council and the importance of a student council within the school.  This is an exciting opportunity for some children to serve on a council.

Aladdin Connect

It is great to see parents using the Aladdin Connect app.  Please see the attached sheet which outlines how to record your son’s/daughter’s absence on Aladdin in advance of the absence or after they have been absent.  This makes the recording of absences on the school system much more efficient.  At any time you may log into Aladdin and fill in a reason for absence.  Aladdin is used to send notes to parents – if you do not receive a notification to say there is a message on Aladdin you may need to check your settings on your device.  Some parents may not have down loaded the Aladdin Connect App on their phones.  The attached leaflet will take you through the steps for downloading the app which advised to do.

Board of Management Election

Please return nomination slips to school before Thursday next 6th October if you are willing to put your name forward as the female parent representative on the BOM to fill the vacancy which has arisen.  Voting papers will be sent to all parents before midterm with the names of those willing to serve on the Board until 30th November 2023 when new Boards of Management will be formed.  All parents, male and female will be entitled to vote.

Children’s Book Festival

Pupils in 2nd-6th class are going to Monaghan County Library tomorrow Tuesday to listen to Shane Hegarty author of ‘Boot’ the robot as part of the Children’s Book Festival.  Pupils in the junior room will visit our local library in Ballybay this week.  Another event taking place locally is author Ronan Moore who brings a young Fionn MaC Cumhaill to life in Carrickmacross Library on Saturday 15th October at 11am.

School Lunches

To date all pupils have been receiving cold lunches and this has been working well.  Hot lunches won’t be provided until after midterm at the earliest.  There will be an opportunity for parents to view and taste hot lunches in the coming weeks.  We are trying to organise this some night as many parents work during the day and are unavailable to come to a tasting session during the afternoon.  Please liaise with your child/children when ordering lunches.  Some children don’t seem to like what is being ordered.  Any uneaten lunches/food is being sent home.


School will be closed from Monday 31st October - Friday 4th November inclusive for mid-term.  Please check the school website and Aladdin Connect for this year’s school calendar for additional closing dates.