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December Newsletter 2024

December Newsletter 2024

December Activities

December is always a busy month in school.  Please take note of the following events happening this month:

Wednesday 11th December – Last day to bring in items for Teach na Daoine’s Food Appeal.

Thursday 12th December – Last night of homework.

Friday 13th December – The Student Council are hosting a Christmas Movie & Hot Chocolate Day.  More details to follow.

Monday 16th December – Last day to bring in Kris Kindle.

Wednesday 18th December – Festive Walk to School & breakfast.  Pupils wear festive jumpers, hats etc to school, we will meet at the Riverdale Hotel between 9.00 and 9.20.  On arrival at school all pupils will be provided with a breakfast. Donations (€2 per child) on the day in aid of Ballybay Cancer Society.

Thursday 19th December – School Christmas Service at 7.00pm in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church.  Please encourage your family and friends to come along as we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Friday 20th December – School closing at 12.00 for Christmas Holidays.

Monday 6th January 2025 – School open after the holidays.


Parents’ Association Christmas Movie Quiz

The Parents’ Association have distributed a great Christmas Movie Quiz!  Each family received 10 quiz sheets to sell.  The cost of each sheet is €2.  If you do not wish to sell your sheets a €20 donation should be given instead.  Please return €20 in the envelope provided before Friday 13th December.  Completed quiz sheets may also be returned to the school.  Additional sheets are available from the school office.  Many thanks to the following local businesses who have provided the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes:

Bill’s Butchers

Care Pharmacy

Soda Barrel

Credit Union Art Competition

Huge congratulations to Daniel Moffett who was awarded 1st place in his age category in the recent Credit Union Art Competition.  Daniel received his prize at the prize giving last month.  Well done Daniel.


Team Hope Shoebox Appeal

Many thanks to all who donated shoeboxes for Team Hope’s Shoebox Appeal.  Your generosity will definitely make a difference to a child this year.


Afterschool Activity

Catherine McGregor (Sew Arty) hosted our most recent afterschool activity.  Children created a Christmas decoration on a piece of wood.  Afterschool activities will continue next year.  These activities are free (funded by DEIS) to attend and children receive juice and biscuits.  They are usually held on the last Tuesday of every month.  It is important that children (especially younger children) know if they are staying for the afterschool activity or not as sometimes they are unsure and this leads to confusion.


Kris Kindle

Each year we organise Kris Kindle for the children.  All names in each classroom are put into a box and each child draws out the name of a child he/she has to buy for.  The children love this and the excitement of opening their presents on the day of the holidays is unbelievable.  We are organising Kris Kindle this year and ask that all presents are brought into school between now and 16th December.  Please do not put who the present of from on the gift, only write who it is for.

Can I please ask when selecting presents for children that you are mindful of the age and interests of the child your child has to buy for.  The budget is €5 per child – shops like Mr Price, Home Savers and Dealz are ideal for Kris Kindle gifts.  While on the whole each year your children are delighted with their presents there is usually one or two who aren’t and it is very disappointing for them.  Maybe you would take your child/children shopping and allow them to choose the gift that they think would suit the child you are buying for.  Children will be receiving selection boxes from the Parents’ Association before the holidays so maybe don’t include one in your present.

Christmas Food Appeal

Ballybay Central N.S.

Christmas Food Appeal

We are helping Teach na Daoine fight against hunger this Christmas.

Drop your donations at the school – until Wednesday 11th December.


What we need:

Cereals, soups, pasta, tins/jars food, biscuits, selection boxes/sweets etc.



Please support our annual Christmas Food Appeal.  All non perishable food items will be donated to Teach na Daoine on 12th December.  They will use the food to make up food hampers which are distributed to local needy families at Christmas time.


"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord."

Luke 2:11



Wishing you and your families a very happy, joyous and peaceful Christmas                         and a Happy New Year.