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November Newsletter 2024

November Newsletter 2024  

Welcome back to school, hopefully everyone had an enjoyable midterm break.  There are only seven weeks of school between now and Christmas which is hard to believe – we look forward to a busy but enjoyable term as we lead up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

After School Activities       

All children participated in the bread and jam making after school activity with Elaine in October – the results were fantastic and everyone really enjoyed making their own bread. Many thanks to Elaine for organising the activity and for making the blackberry jam for all the children.  The jam was made from the blackberries gathered by the children earlier in the month.

Our next after school activity is Arts & Crafts with Catherine McGregor on 26th November.  If your child wishes to take part and you haven’t already done so, please give permission on Aladdin.

If any parent wishes to volunteer for an after school activity, please let the Principal know.

Library Visits

We are continuing to promote ‘reading for pleasure’ amongst our pupils.  As a staff we have identified this as an area which we would like to see improved in our whole school literacy plan for DEIS.  As part of this DEAR Time (Drop everything and read) is given to all pupils for homework on Thursday nights instead of written work.  It is hugely important that parents support this initiative and encourage children to read for pleasure (not just Thursday nights!)  Younger children should be read to.  In order to further develop an interest in reading for pleasure all children visit Ballybay Library every Thursday.  For many children this has been their first experience of the library.  The children get to choose from a wide variety of books and are very much enjoying their visits.  If your child is not a library member perhaps you would consider joining, it is free and very beneficial.

Cash for Clobber

Our annual Cash for Clobber clothes collection will take place this Wednesday morning 6th November – please send bags for collection into school before 9.30am on Wednesday morning.  Money raised from the clothes collection will be used to buy Maths resources in school. 


All pupils were given their school photographs before midterm.  If you wish to purchase photos please return your order to school before Monday next 11th November.


We welcome Mrs Makylea Reyburn to our school staff.  Makylea will be covering in the senior room every Tuesday for principal release days.  She will also be providing in class support in all classrooms on Mondays. 

It’s lovely to see some of our past pupils returning to Ballybay Central School.  Sam Moffett completed a week’s work experience (Transition Year) before midterm.  Megan Millar is currently undertaking placement in the senior room as part of her Masters in Education.   Ella Gillanders joins the junior classroom for placement this term as part of her studies in Early Childcare in Letterkenny.


We are currently planning our Christmas schedule.  As soon as we have definite arrangements we will let you know the date and venue.

Shoe Box Appeal

The Christmas Shoe box Appeal is an annual campaign sending gift filled shoeboxes from Ireland to children affected by poverty in countries across Africa and Eastern Europe.  It is a great opportunity to teach our young children about giving. If you wish to fill a shoe box with your child please check the list of items that are acceptable.  Shoe boxes should be returned to school before Friday 15th November.  Leaflets will be available in school for those who wish to take part.

 Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Thursday 21st November.  Parents will be informed before then to make their appointments on Aladdin Connect.  Meetings will last for 10 minutes and will take place face to face.  

Food Dudes Programme

Following a very successful period of fruit and vegetables being provided to all children and tokens when both were tasted we have moved to the next stage of the programme.  Children have received containers to put their own fruit and vegetables in each day.  Children receive a tick on the chart for each portion brought to school and they are working towards receiving bronze, silver and gold certificates.  It has been great seeing children who normally don’t eat certain fruit and vegetables, tasting new foods.  Please continue to send fruit and vegetables to school with your child so they can receive their certificates.