September Newsletter 2024
Welcome back to Ballybay Central School and to those who have just started with us - Hannah, William, Abdullakh, Rodrigo and Matheo we would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your families. We hope you will enjoy your time in our school. We are pleased to welcome some familiar faces back to the staff also. Ms. McCarney, will be teaching 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes while Ms. Brown is on maternity leave and Ms. Millar, a past pupil herself, will be with us for the month of September teaching English. Ms. Donaghy will take over teaching English in October 3 days a week. Mr. McCabe is covering in SET position until Ms Boyle returns on 16th September.
Fresh Today
All pupils received a lunch box and bottle from Fresh Today at the start of the year. Children should bring the lunch box to school each day and use it to bring home their lunch carton. Please remember to check in with your children regarding their lunches. Many children especially in the Junior Room, are telling teacher they don’t like what has been ordered. Orders must be changed by Thursday 5.00pm each week for the following week. If you have misplaced login details, email the school office and they will be sent to you. Children need to bring their own snacks for the first break.
All pupils must wear the full school uniform every day. This includes ties. If the elastic on ties break you need to replace the tie. Ties as available in Crawfords on the Main Street. Please ensure jumpers are named as they can get mixed up. For this term children wear tracksuits and runners on Fridays. Children must wear runners for PE.
Text Books/Stationery
The Free Primary Schoolbooks Scheme means that parents are no longer required to contribute to the cost of schoolbooks. Therefore you will not be charged for book rental. All books and resources used to implement the curriculum are the property of the school and if damaged or lost must be replaced.
Main Door
One of the changes we had to make during Covid was to separate entrances and exits for each class group. The Junior Room had continued to use the playground door ever since. This year we are reverting back to all pupils entering and exiting the building through the main door. If collecting at 12.30/2.00 or anytime throughout the day parents should come to the main door and wait there. Under no circumstances should parents enter the building unannounced. Please use the buzzer and a member of staff will come to you.
At different times during the year teachers may wish to contact individual parents or all parents in a class or classroom. This year teachers will be using Aladdin Connect as a means of contact while also still using emails if required i.e. Junior Classroom homework is emailed or messages of a personal nature will be emailed. Teachers are available for a brief meeting or phone call before school starts, or after school. However if a longer meeting is required please contact the office so that an appointment can be arranged at a suitable time. Teachers must not be contacted on their private phones at any time.
P.E. in the Park
We are pleased to participate in PE in the Park again this year. The children enjoy it and it’s such a great opportunity for them. As we are working towards our Active Flag, activities such as kayaking and orienteering are highly recommended.
Pupils in 2nd-6th classes will take park in 2 sessions with the staff form Castleblayney Outdoor Adventure Centre on Wednesday 18th September and Wednesday 25th September. The cost is being subsidised by Monaghan Sports Partnership and we are pleased to be able to subsidise it further. It is anticipated that pupils will take part in both activities (kayaking and orienteering). The cost is €10 in total, €5 per activity. If children chose to do one activity (kayaking or orienteering they must pay €8.
Payments should be made by:
- Online banking – IBAN IE20AIBK 9324 2601 2651 56 or
- Cheque/draft from bank or Credit Union
- If using Online banking please put your name on the reference line so we know it’s your payment.
- Mrs McBride will issue receipts of payment.
Pupil Insurance
We have used this insurance cover for several years and we feel it is the best cover out there at the moment for school pupils. This year we will again purchase cover on a ‘compulsory’ basis whereby all pupils in school are insured for €5.30 per pupil where cover is limited to School Related Activities only. Please do not send cash to school – this payment can be made when paying for P.E. in the Park (Middle/Senior Room) or on its own for the Junior Room. Payment for Insurance must be received by 30th September.
Please go onto your Aladdin Connect to give or decline permission for the following:
- General School Activities
- Photo Consent
If your child is absent from school please fill in reasons for absences on Aladdin each day that they are off. It is the responsibility of parents to do this, not teachers. You may enter planned absences also (e.g. appointments etc). Please use Aladdin to inform staff of late arrivals and early leaving. Parents will receive a letter each term stating the number of days their child has been absent to date. When a child is absent for 20 school days plus in any given year, the education section in Tusla (TESS -Tulsa Education Support Service) is notified. This is a mandatory requirement for schools.
Parents’ Meeting
All parents are invited to attend a meeting in the school on Tuesday 24th September at 8.00pm. Tea/coffee will be available on arrival. The updated Healthy Eating policy will be presented on the night, along with information regarding the school curriculum and routines. It is important that each family is represented at the meeting.
The photographer will visit the school on Tuesday 8th October. Photos will be taken of Junior Infants, Sixth Class, whole school and families. Parents are under no obligation to buy photos.
In Service Training
School will be closed on Tuesday 1st October as staff attend in service training in Monaghan Education Centre.
After School Activities
We plan to resume our after school activities each month this year. Further details will follow.
Cash For Clobber
We will have a Cash for Clobber collection after Mid Term (November). Details to follow.
School Calendar
A copy of this year’s school holidays is attached.
Ballybay Central National School
School Calendar 2024-2025
School Re-opens
Wednesday 28th August 2024 |
School Closed Tues 1st Oct
In Service Training for Staff |
Mid-Term Break | Monday 28th October
– Friday 1st November inclusive |
Christmas Closing | Friday 20th December at 12.00 (last day of school) |
Monday 6th January 2025 |
St Brigid’s Day
Monday 3rd February |
Mid-Term Break | Thursday 20th February & Friday 21st February |
St. Patrick’s Day
Monday 17th March |
Easter Closing | Friday 11th April at 12.00 (last day of school) |
Monday 28th April |
Bank Holiday
Monday 5th May |
Bank Holiday
Monday 2nd June |
Summer Holidays Closing
Friday 20th June |
Parents will be informed as soon as possible if there are any additional closures of changes to this calendar.