January Newsletter 2025
Happy New Year and welcome back to Ballybay Central for another term. We especially want to welcome Emmanuel, Godswill, Marvelous and Faiyad to our school community and we hope they will be very happy with us. Congratulations to Mrs Boyle and her husband on the birth of baby Matthew on 30th December. Mr McCabe is covering the SET position for the month of January and the position will be filled for the remainder of the year from 4th February.
Christmas Activities
The lead up to Christmas was very busy for our pupils – The Festive Walk to School on December 18th was thoroughly enjoyed by all and raised €200 for Ballybay Cancer Society. Many thanks to the members of the Parents’ Association and other parents who helped out on the morning providing and serving breakfast. We also wish to thanks Fresh Today who donated fruit platters, cereals, milk and yoghurt.
The Student Council hosted a very successful hot chocolate and movie day on 13th December. Pupils had a choice of two films to watch, there was hot chocolate, popcorn and chocolate lollies provided and a Christmas karaoke in the yard at lunch time.
There was also a Christmas colouring competition on the day with Joshua Bann, Theodore Patton and Riley Maunde Chrisambi chosen as winners. Many thanks to Mrs Boyle, members of the Student Council and all who helped on the day.
On Thursday 19th December it was wonderful to see 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church full for our Christmas Service. The children all performed excellently and everyone enjoyed the refreshments afterwards. Once again thanks to the Parents’ Association for organising the refreshments and to everyone who supplied food, drink etc.
On the morning of 20th December children excitedly received their Kris Kindle presents, before leaving for their Christmas holidays. Earlier that morning William Patton, Chairperson of the Parents’ Association called into school and gave every child a selection box. We sincerely appreciate the work and dedication of our Parents’ Association.
Many thanks to all who donated to the Christmas Food Appeal for Teach na Daoine. There was a great response and we know your kindness has helped others over the festive period.
Parents Association Christmas Movie Quiz
Many thanks to all who sold quiz sheets and/or donated money to the Parents’ Association fund.
The winners were as follows:
1st – Goretti Quigley
2nd – Alanna Pepper
3rd – Mason Philips
4th – Emma and Lisa Fuller
Aladdin Connect
It is vital that all families are using Aladdin Connect as this will be the only way of communicating school closures due to bad weather. Please ensure you have notifications switched on so you receive alerts when messages are sent.
Updated Code of Behaviour Policy
The school’s Code of Behaviour has been updated and ratified by the Board of Management. Every family has been emailed a copy of the policy. Please read the policy carefully and be aware of its contents. The policy will also be available for viewing on the school website www.ballybaycns.com. Staff will be discussing this policy with children at an age appropriate level to ensure they know what is and is not acceptable behaviour in school.
Open Afternoon and Applications for 2025-2026
The school will commence accepting applications for 2025-2026 school year on Monday 20th January. The closing date for applications will be 28th February. Those wishing to apply should contact the school office between those dates for an application from. An Open Afternoon will be held on Wednesday 19th February 1.00-3.00 for all prospective parents and children considering a school placement in Ballybay Central School.
School Closure
School will close at 12.00 on Friday 31st January to facilitate staff training for Bí Cineálta, new anti bullying guidelines which will come into effect from September 2025.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 3rd February School Closed – St. Brigid’s Day
Thurs/Fri 20th/21st Feb School Closed – Mid Term