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March Newsletter 2022

March Newsletter 2022



World Book Day

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day and we are looking forward to a day filled with book activities which include dressing up as book characters, quizzes, reading, arts & crafts and much more.  There will be a prize for the most creative costume in each classroom chosen by Mrs Flood.  If children have favourite library books at home that they’d like to read in school they should bring them in on Thursday.  Homework on Thursday night will be based on World Book Day activities.

Updated Covid Procedures

All families were sent an email on Monday which outlined the most up to date Covid arrangements as advised by the Department of Education.  As stated in that email if a child tests positive they need to stay at home for at least 7 days and can only return when both of these apply:

  • They have not had a high temperature (38˚C or over) or other symptoms for 48 hours.
  • It has been 7 days since they first developed symptoms or tested positive. After 7 days they need to take extra care for another 3 days to reduce the risk of passing Covid 19 on.    Parents are still requested to keep children off school if they have symptoms of Covid 19.  It is usually ok to send your child to school if they only have nasal symptoms such as a runny nose or a sneeze but otherwise feel well.

Free antigens are still available from the HSE if there are cases of Covid 19 in your child’s classroom.  (You will receive a text message if that is the case).  Close contacts of a positive case are no longer requested to stay at home as long as they have no symptoms and/or have tested negative on an antigen test.  If a family member tests positive it is strongly advised that children have a negative antigen test before sending them to school.

 Parents’ Association

The Parent’s Association committee wish to acknowledge and thank those who have returned their contribution.  Receipts have been issued.  Please let the school secretary know if you did not receive a receipt and she will pass that information on to the Treasurer of the P.A.  If you have yet to return your contribution (€40 per family) please do so on or before Wednesday 9th March.  Financial assistance from the Parents’ Association will help reduce the cost of tours and swimming for all pupils.  It would be great to have an end of year get together in June – it has been 2 years since we’ve had such a social gathering.  This is always a very enjoyable evening with food, bouncy castles etc where our new enrolments are also invited to attend.  This evening cannot happen without financial support from the Parents’ Association.

Staff Training

School will close at 12.00 on Friday 25th March to facilitate staff training in the Primary Language Curriculum.


Swimming lessons commence on Friday 29th April for all pupils for 5 weeks.  More details to follow nearer the time.

School Closures

School will be closed on 17th, 18th and 21st March for St. Patrick’s Weekend.

School closes at 12.00 on Friday 8th April and remains closed for Easter until Monday 25th April.