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December Newsletter 2021

December Newsletter 2021


Covid-19 Update

All parents have been sent the most recent updated information from the Department of Education in relation to Antigen testing of asymptomatic children in Primary Schools where a confirmed case of Covid-19 is identified.  If your child has a positive Covid-19 PCR test result you should inform the Principal immediately.  Following this:

  1. All families of children in that classroom will receive a text informing them that there is a positive case in the classroom.
  2. Parents of children sitting at the same table and/or in close proximity to the child who has tested positive will be contacted (by phone)and advised that they can request antigen test for their child should they wish to.
  3. If two or more positive cases of Covid-19 arise in a classroom within a seven day period, antigen testing will be offered to all children in the classroom.
  4. Parents need to follow the procedures for ordering antigen tests themselves as outlined in the letter you received on Friday last. You will need the school Roll Number which is 19884W when requesting antigen tests.

Please note:

1) Antigen testing of asymptomatic children is voluntary,                                          2) Parents must order the tests themselves – this is not the school’s responsibility 3) At no point will the school share any identifying details of the confirmed case.

If there is a positive case of Covid-19 in your house all family members must restrict their movements.  All unvaccinated children less than 13 years of age who are close contacts of a positive case must restrict their movements for 10 days and get a Covid-19 PCR test on day 0 and day 10.

Some parents have asked about children wearing masks to school (from 3rd class upwards). 

As yet we have received no information about this from the Department of Education.  As soon as we are informed of the Government’s decision on this issue we will let you know.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent teacher meetings are taking place over the next two weeks by phone.  All parents have received a time from their child’s/children’s teacher to contact them at.  Please note phone conversations are 10 minutes per child and will be strictly adhered to in order to ensure no one is kept waiting for their phone call.

Wellbeing Programme

Over the coming three weeks a wellbeing programme for children, Mind Me, Mind You, is being implemented in all classes.  The Department of Education recognises that the changes due to that of Covid-19 over the last 2 years may have had a negative impact on children’s wellbeing and with this in mind schools are being encouraged to promote and support the wellbeing of children.  Each class group, infants, 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th will cover six topics – Dealing with change, Perseverance, Stress, Peer Pressure, Respect and Gratitude in an age appropriate manner.  The same topic will be covered in each classroom on the same day.  The programme will be covered every Monday and Wednesday for the next three weeks.  Homework on each Monday and Wednesday will be a follow up on the lesson covered in school that day.  This may take the format of a colouring, a written or oral activity.  Homework is being set to allow parents and children to talk about the topic being covered.  The wellbeing of everyone is paramount during these uncertain times and we must encourage our children to talk about their feelings.

Credit Union Art Competition

Huge congratulations to Sarah Hamilton who was awarded 2nd place in the 8-10 year old category in the recent Credit Union Art Competition.  Sarah received her prize in school last week.

Cash for Clobber

Many thanks to all who contributed to the Cash for Clobber clothes collection.  €272 was raised for the school.  It was great to see past parents and people from the local community contributing also.

Food Appeal

A box has been placed inside the front door for items of non-perishable food.  If you wish to donate please give items to your child to bring in to school.  This food appeal is always well supported and we look forward to donating the food to Claire Douglas from Hope Café in Monaghan, where it will be distributed to local needy families in the run up to Christmas.

Kris Kindle

It is the policy in our school that instead of the children exchanging Christmas presents with each other we implement Kris Kindle. Children have been given the name(s) of who to buy for.   Please wrap it and put the name of the person it is for (but not who it is from) on the label.  We ask that all presents are brought into school between 6th and 10th December.  In this way we can make sure presents can be left untouched before distributing them on 22nd December.  Please be mindful of the age and interests of the child your child has to buy for.  All presents will be left in a box in the hall until Tuesday 22nd when they will be distributed before children go home.

We have asked the children not to bring any Christmas cards into school for their friends this year due to the Covid 19 situation.

Christmas Activities

Thursday 16th December – School Carol Service 7.30pm 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church.  Please note time – further information regarding this event will be issued nearer the time.

Friday 17th December – Christmas Movie & Hot Chocolate Day

Monday 20th December – Christmas Walk to School in aid of Ballybay Cancer Society – (all pupils are to contribute €2 to Ballybay Cancer Society).  On arrival at school The PA will be providing breakfast for everyone

Wednesday 22nd December – School closes for Christmas Holidays at 12.00. Pupils exchange Kris Kindle presents.

Thursday 6th January 2022 – School reopens for all pupils.


*Please note some of these activities may be cancelled depending on Covid 19 situation.


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6