September Newsletter 2019
Fáitle romhaibh go léir arais go Lár Scoil Bhéil Átha Beithe. Welcome back to Ballybay Central School for a new school year. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Annabelle, Emily, Joshua, Mason and Witness who have started school this year and also welcome to Mikayla, Riley and Jessica who have joined Senior Infants.
Annual Consent Form
Please complete the consent form attached and return to the office as soon as possible. In order to cut down on the amount of paper and photocopying we will not be sending notes home with the children this year if at all possible. Instead we will contact you by text (if short message) or by email (if longer). Please complete the attached page with your mobile number and email address. If you do not wish to be contacted by email or have not got an email address please indicate this on the form.
Parents’ Association
Following on from the success of last year’s fundraising endeavours by the Parents’ Association, a concert will be held on Friday 18th October in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church featuring Michael Lawson, Ballybay Gospel Singers, our school choir and other artists. Tickets cost €10 each and will be distibuted this week. Please support the Parents’ Association as money raised will be used to help fund costs incurred with our new playground.
Healthy Lunch Policy
Please adhere to the school’s healthy lunch policy. We are proud of our Healthy School Status. We worked hard to achieve it and we must continue to promote health at all times.
- Some of the healthy snacks that we encourage include; wraps, pasta, sandwiches, bread sticks, rice cakes, crackers, plain standard yoghurts, sugar free jelly, fruit, vegetables, cheese, cream crackers. Pre-packed cheese, chocolate spreads, chocolate/cheese dips, and chewy/sticky bars and sweets are not advisable at any time.
- Chewing gum, nuts, crisps and cereal bars are not permitted. Foods which have wrappers (i.e. tinfoil) are to be kept to a minimum and disposed of properly to reduce litter and protect our school environment.
- Healthier choices of drinks include milk and water. Yoghurt drinks are also a healthy option. Pure unsweetened juices or well diluted sugar free squashes (1:10) may be included but only as part of their lunch meal, to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Other drinks such as sweetened fruit juices, fruit drinks e.g. cartons of juice, squashes, fizzy drinks (including diet drinks and sparkling water) should be avoided due to their sugar and/or acid content, as these are also harmful to teeth.
Please note biscuits, bars, yoghurts with chocolate balls, chocolate spread, cereal bars and cartons of juice, Capri sun etc are not allowed.
This year if children wish they may bring popcorn to school as part of their healthy lunches.
All text books and copy books are provided by the school. Bills for the rental of text books and workbooks will be issued at the beginning of October. All pupils must have their own pencils, pens, rubbers, sharpeners etc. Text books are property of the school and must be returned at the end of the year in good condition. Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced.
School Opening Times
The main door of the school remains locked until 9.00 each morning. Children who arrive before this time must wait in the porch area until the door is opened. Children are not covered by insurance before 9.00 and we’d ask parents not to leave children on the school grounds unsupervised before this time. Classes start at 9.20 and all pupils should be in their classroom by then.
Junior Infants will finish at 12.30 until Wednesday 11th and from Thursday 12th will finish with Senior Infants at 2.00.
Contacting the School
If you need to contact a member of staff, please ring 042 9741365 before 9.20am or after 3.10pm.
Annual Consent
The Annual Consent for the incoming year is attached. This gives consent for pupils to take part in school activities/tours/sport/visits to other schools. Please fill in the consent form and return as soon as possible.
If for any reason a pupil is absent for a day or longer period of time a written note explaining the absence should be sent to school on the pupils return. A note in the homework journal will suffice either. All notes are kept in school and will be made available to the Education Welfare Officer if requested when investigating prolonged absences (20+ days). During a legitimate sickness pupils should be kept at home to avoid infection being spread to the whole school community. Good attendance at school is to be encouraged as it sets a good foundation for later life.
Please ensure to name your child’s/children’s jumper(s). They have a habit of going missing and getting mixed up especially while the weather is still warm. Ensure that the name remains on all year as they can wash off.
P.E.- Fridays
All pupils to wear tracksuits and runners on Fridays until Halloween. Runners should be worn to school on Thursdays also (with school uniform) in the Junior Room.
Brennan Insurance
We have used this insurance cover for several years and we feel it is the best cover out there at the moment for school pupils. This year we have been given the choice to purchase cover on a ‘compulsory’ basis whereby all pupils in school are insured for €5.30 each where cover is limited to School Related Activities only. The main advantages to running a compulsory scheme are:
- The premium is lower – Last year’s prices were €10.10 for 24 hour cover or €6.50 for school cover – a saving of €4.80 or €1.20 respectively on last year’s prices.
- There are no separate forms for parents to complete for each child.
If you could forward €5.30 per child to the office in an envelope labelled ‘Insurance’ and your child/children’s names as soon as possible please.
Primary Language Inservice Training
There will be no school on Tuesday 1st October due to a staff training seminar.
Outdoor Furniture
We are delighted with the addition of 2 recycled outdoor tables in the playground. David Boyle did a fantastic job designing and painting the old electric cable reels. We are looking forward to the arrival of more outdoor furniture in the coming weeks – this was purchased with money made available to us through the Shared Education initiative.
Mrs. Boyle
We wish Mrs Boyle our very best wishes as she commences her maternity leave towards the end of this month. We look forward to welcoming Ms. Victoria Hazlett to the Junior Classroom for the duration of Mrs Boyle’s leave.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 1st October School closed due to staff training
Monday 28th Oct-Friday 1st Nov School closed – Mid-term break