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         November 2019  Newsletter



We welcome Ethan and Sarah Lynn Maloney to Junior Infants and First Class and we wish them well as they settle into our school.

New Class Groupings

As the Department of Education have given permission for the appointment of a 3rd mainstream class teacher for the remainder of this year, the new teaching arrangements for 2019-2020 only are as follows:

Junior/Senior Infants  - Ms. Hazlett

1st, 2nd, 3rd                     - Mrs. Patton

4th, 5th, 6th                      - Mrs. Pepper

Many thanks for all the offers of help we received in order to get classrooms ready for the new arrangements.  Due to the new appointment our staff room has now become the Special Education Teacher’s room and the hall will now be used as a library, equipment storage space, SET support (for larger groups), staff room and so will not be suitable for PE on wet days!  As Mrs. Pepper is moving back to the classroom the SET position is being filled on a temporary basis for the coming few weeks by Irene Flynn.  We welcome Irene to Ballybay Central and look forward to having her working with us.  The new appointment of a 3rd mainstream class teacher will greatly benefit all children as they will now be in smaller groups.  We acknowledge that it has been difficult for teachers to teach and children to learn when in a classroom of 20+ children.  In order to retain this 3rd mainstream class teacher post it is required that our enrolments for the coming years remain above 50 pupils.  Presently we have 54 pupils enrolled.


 This term all pupils will participate in G.A.A. classes with the local G.A.A. coaches.  These classes take place on THURSDAYS so all pupils must wear tracksuits and runners on Thursdays instead of Friday from now until Christmas.

Cash for Clobber

Many thanks to those who have donated bags of clothes to the Cash for Clobber scheme. It’s great to have past parents also donating to the collection.  The bags will be collected on Wednesday this week so if you wish to leave in bags please do so before then please.  Money collected from this scheme will be used to buy much needed resources for the classrooms.

Evening of Music and Song

What a wonderful evening of music and song we had on Friday 18th October.  The feedback following the event was extremely positive.  Many thanks to the Parents’ Association Committee and all parents who helped out in any way on the evening.  To date the total amount raised is €2859.65.

Parents’ Association Committee

Following the A.G.M. of the school’s Parents’ Association the following committee was elected:

Chairperson –Wendy Leonard

Vice-Chairperson – Jason Pollock

Treasurer – Elaine Fuller

Secretary – Nicola McAdam

BOM Representatives – Catriona Burgess and Alan Hamilton

Committee – Stephanie Moffett, William Patton, Christine Phillips, Sabina Vogel

Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 5th December         Parent Teacher Meetings

Tuesday 17th December        Christmas Play      

Friday 20th December           Christmas Holidays – closing 12.00


This will be the last newsletter you will receive in a printed format.  From December the newsletter may be viewed on the school website –


October Newsletter 2019

An Evening of Music and Song

An evening of music and song will take place in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church, Hall St. on Friday 18th October at 7.30pm.  The children are busy practising their pieces for this event.  All children in the Senior Room will take part and children in the Junior Room who wish to be part of the choir may also join in.  We will be practising in the church closer to the event.  Please spread the word regarding this event – all money raised will go towards outstanding costs of the new play area.  Further tickets are available from the school.

Story Telling Workshops

All pupils will attend story telling workshops on Monday 7th October in Scoil Eanna.  Danielle Allison will transport children to places near and far with stories that are funny, serious, wise and interactive all at once.  This event is being organised by Ballybay Library.

Food Glorious Food

Copies of the very successful cookery book, Food Glorious Food, are available in the school office at €10 each.  These would make excellent Christmas presents should anyone wish to purchase them.

New Boards of Management

The term of the current Board of Management will expire on 30th November 2019 with newly formed boards assuming office from December 1st.  The Board of Management who manage the school on behalf of the Presbytery consists of 2 people nominated by Presbytery, 2 teachers, 2 parents and 2 people from the wider community.  The process for nominating and electing 2 parent nominees will be issued shortly.  There are generally 5 meetings per year and I would encourage parents to consider standing for nomination and election as a parent’s nominee on the Board of Management.

Parents’ Association AGM

The Parents’ Association AGM will take place on Tuesday 22nd October in the school hall at 8.00pm.  All parents are encouraged to attend this meeting.  A new committee will be formed that night.  It is important to remember that all parents are part of the Parents’ Association.  The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents can work with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build an effective partnership which benefits and supports all children in the school.

Cash For Clobber

All unwanted clothes, bed linen, towels, shoes (paired) may be left into school over the coming weeks for collection by Cash for Clobber on Wednesday 6th November.  The money raised from the collection will be used to buy much needed resources for the school.

 Book Bills

Each family will receive their book rental bill next week.  Please return money in an envelope with your family name on it for the attention of Mrs McBride.  We endeavour to keep costs as low as possible as we are able to subsidise the book rental costs thanks to the school book grant received from the Department of Education.  Any book lost or damaged MUST BE REPLACED.  All bills must be paid by Wednesday 23rd October.  If you wish to pay in instalments please contact the Principal and this can be arranged.


A photographer from County Photographs will be in school on Wednesday 16th October.  Individual and family photographs along with a school group, Junior Infants and Sixth Class photos will be taken.  There is no obligation on any family to purchase photographs.  FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM must be worn on the day.


School will be closed from Monday 28th October-Friday 1st November inclusive for mid-term.


Ann McKenna, GAA coach will be in school between Halloween and Christmas.  P.E. will take place on Thursdays and so pupils must wear tracksuits and runners on Thurday for the duration of that period.

Christmas Play

Pupils will perform their Christmas play(s) on Tuesday night 17th December in the school hall.  Further details nearer the time.

Dates For Your Diary

An Evening of Music and Song – Friday 18th October at 7.300pm in                       2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church

Mid-term Break —School will be closed from Monday 28th October –                        Friday 1st November inclusive.

Cash for Clobber – Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Play – Tuesday 17th December

Christmas Holidays – Friday 20th December last day of term and returning Monday 6th January 2020 

September Newsletter 2019

Fáitle romhaibh go léir arais go Lár Scoil Bhéil Átha Beithe.  Welcome back to Ballybay Central School for a new school year.  We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Annabelle, Emily, Joshua, Mason and Witness who have started school this year and also welcome to Mikayla, Riley and Jessica who have joined Senior Infants.

Annual Consent Form

Please complete the consent form attached and return to the office as soon as possible.  In order to cut down on the amount of paper and photocopying we will not be sending notes home with the children this year if at all possible.  Instead we will contact you by text (if short message) or by email (if longer). Please complete the attached page with your mobile number and email address.  If you do not wish to be contacted by email or have not got an email address please indicate this on the form.

Parents’ Association

Following on from the success of last year’s fundraising endeavours by the Parents’ Association, a concert will be held on Friday 18th October in 2nd Ballybay Presbyterian Church featuring Michael Lawson, Ballybay Gospel Singers, our school choir and other artists.  Tickets cost €10 each and will be distibuted this week.  Please support the Parents’ Association as money raised will be used to help fund costs incurred with our new playground.

Healthy Lunch Policy

Please adhere to the school’s healthy lunch policy.  We are proud of our Healthy School Status.  We worked hard to achieve it and we must continue to promote health at all times.

  1. Some of the healthy snacks that we encourage include; wraps, pasta, sandwiches, bread sticks, rice cakes, crackers, plain standard yoghurts, sugar free jelly, fruit, vegetables, cheese, cream crackers. Pre-packed cheese, chocolate spreads, chocolate/cheese dips, and chewy/sticky bars and sweets are not advisable at any time.
  2. Chewing gum, nuts, crisps and cereal bars are not permitted. Foods which have wrappers (i.e. tinfoil) are to be kept to a minimum and disposed of properly to reduce litter and protect our school environment.
  3. Healthier choices of drinks include milk and water. Yoghurt drinks are also a healthy option.  Pure unsweetened juices or well diluted sugar free squashes (1:10) may be included but only as part of their lunch meal, to reduce the risk of tooth decay.  Other drinks such as sweetened fruit juices, fruit drinks e.g. cartons of juice, squashes, fizzy drinks (including diet drinks and sparkling water) should be avoided due to their sugar and/or acid content, as these are also harmful to teeth.

Please note biscuits, bars, yoghurts with chocolate balls, chocolate spread, cereal bars and cartons of juice, Capri sun etc are not allowed.

This year if children wish they may bring popcorn to school as part of their healthy lunches.


All text books and copy books are provided by the school.  Bills for the rental of text books and  workbooks will be issued at the beginning of October.  All pupils must have their own pencils, pens, rubbers, sharpeners etc.  Text books are property of the school and must be returned at the end of the year in good condition.  Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced.

School Opening Times

The main door of the school remains locked until 9.00 each morning.  Children who arrive before this time must wait in the porch area until the door is opened.  Children are not covered by insurance before 9.00 and we’d ask parents not to leave children on the school grounds unsupervised before this time.  Classes start at 9.20 and all pupils should be in their classroom by then.

Junior Infants will finish at 12.30 until Wednesday 11th and from Thursday 12th will finish with Senior Infants at 2.00.

Contacting the School

If you need to contact a member of staff, please ring 042 9741365 before 9.20am or after 3.10pm.

Annual Consent

The Annual Consent for the incoming year is attached.  This gives consent for pupils to take part in school activities/tours/sport/visits to other schools.  Please fill in the consent form and return as soon as possible.


If for any reason a pupil is absent for a day or longer period of time a written note explaining the        absence should be sent to school on the pupils return.  A note in the homework journal will suffice    either.  All notes are kept in school and will be made available to the Education Welfare Officer if       requested when investigating prolonged absences (20+ days).  During a legitimate sickness pupils should be kept at home to avoid infection being spread to the whole school community.  Good attendance at school is to be encouraged as it sets a good foundation for later life.


Please ensure to name your child’s/children’s jumper(s).  They have a habit of going missing and getting mixed up especially while the weather is still warm.  Ensure that the name remains on all year as they can wash off. 

P.E.- Fridays

All pupils to wear tracksuits and runners on Fridays until Halloween.  Runners should be worn to school on Thursdays also (with school uniform) in the Junior Room.

Brennan Insurance

We have used this insurance cover for several years and we feel it is the best cover out there at the moment for school pupils. This year we have been given the choice to purchase cover on a ‘compulsory’ basis whereby all pupils in school are insured for €5.30 each where cover is limited to School Related Activities only. The main advantages to running a compulsory scheme are:

  • The premium is lower – Last year’s prices were €10.10 for 24 hour cover or €6.50 for school cover – a saving of €4.80 or €1.20 respectively on last year’s prices.
  • There are no separate forms for parents to complete for each child.

If you could forward €5.30 per child to the office in an envelope labelled ‘Insurance’ and your child/children’s names as soon as possible please.

 Primary Language Inservice Training

There will be no school on Tuesday 1st October due to a staff training seminar.

Outdoor Furniture

We are delighted with the addition of 2 recycled outdoor tables in the playground.  David Boyle did a fantastic job designing and painting the old electric cable reels.  We are looking forward to the arrival of more outdoor furniture in the coming weeks – this was purchased with money made available to us through the Shared Education initiative.

Mrs. Boyle

We wish Mrs Boyle our very best wishes as she commences her maternity leave towards the end of this month.  We look forward to welcoming Ms. Victoria Hazlett to the Junior Classroom for the duration of Mrs Boyle’s leave.

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 1st October                           School closed due to staff training

Monday 28th Oct-Friday 1st Nov         School closed – Mid-term break


It’s hard to believe we are about to start the final month of this school year—it has been a busy year with the children enjoying many activities.  This month the children will go on their school tour and everybody is looking forward to the annual BBQ and fun night hosted by the Parents’  Association on 20th June.

Swimming Update

Swimming lessons will take place this Friday June 1st and the following Friday June 8th, which will be our last lesson.  It’s great to see the children making progress at the pool and we wish Emma Fuller every success as she represents our school at The Inter Schools Swimming Gala on Saturday 9th June.

Sports Day

The sun shone and everybody had great fun at Sports Day last Friday.  There was plenty of cheering and shouting as team members encouraged each other.  The day ended with ice cream for everybody.  See our school website for more photos!

Write A Book

Children in the senior room took part in the Write A Book competition in Monaghan Education   Centre recently.  This is a great opportunity for the children to develop their story writing skills by planning, drafting and editing stories which they then compile into a book format.  The final   results were excellent and all pupils will get certificates.  The following children were highly    commended:  David Burgess, Ellen Johnston, Avon Wylie and Sam Moffett.                                                                                        

Freya Lees, Lucy Pollock and Tessa Anderson were merit winners and they will receive their awards at a prize giving in the Garage Theatre tomorrow night.


Pupils in 3rd-5th class have been learning French vocabulary with Agnes Callaghan.  It is great for our pupils who learn French in secondary school to have a good foundation when leaving primary school.  Agnes’ last class will be next week.

Tour Information

We are all looking forward to our school tour in Gormanston Park next Tuesday.  It is going to be a busy day filled with lots of different activities for the children to enjoy.  Please ensure children wear comfortable clothing (tracksuit bottoms and long sleeve top which are needed for certain  activities) and runners.  Children should also wear/bring sunhats and suncream.  As it is a tour day, children are allowed to bring treats but please include sandwiches etc. in their lunch also as they will be hungry.  An extra drink will also be required.  Children will need food for two breaks.  No spending money is required.  Children are not allowed to bring mobile phones and if they do they will be confiscated.  Parents will be contacted via text-a-parent if there are any changes to the time we are due back at.

Please note all pupils must be in school by 8.45am as the bus will leave at 9.00am sharp.  We will be back at the school at 5.00pm.  Please inform After School of this time if anybody is going there.


Children in 1st-5th class have completed a Micra T test and they will complete Sigma T during the week of 11th June.  These are standardised tests that the Department of Education requires all children from 1st class upwards to do.  Results are forwarded to the Department at the end of June.  Children in 3rd class upwards will also be completing some end of year class tests over the coming weeks.  These tests prepare children for secondary school and allows them to develop their revision skills,  a skill required at second level.

Dates for your Diary

School Closed                                                                                       Thursday 31st May

School Closed                                                                                       Monday 4th June

School Tour for all classes                                                                 Tuesday 5th June

Induction morning for new pupils                                                 Wednesday 13th June

End of Year Reports to be issued                                                     Friday 15th June

Fun Evening & BBQ at 7pm                                                              Wednesday 20th June

Last swimming day                                                                             Friday 8th June

School closes @ 12.00pm for Summer holidays                          Friday 22nd June

School reopens for all classes @ 9.20am                                       Wednesday 29th August

May I take this opportunity on behalf of the staff to wish you all a very happy, safe and sun filled summer.


                                                Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.

                                                                                   Ephesians 5 v 20


Children First National Guidance

New guidelines for the protection and welfare of children were issued in 2017 and since then staff, BOM members and school personnel have attended training as required.  It is important to note that under Children First Guidelines that every registered teacher has a statutory obligation to make a mandated report to Tusla regarding child protection concerns.

All families should have received the new Child Safeguarding Statement ratified recently by the Board of Management.  This document replaces the original Child Protection Policy and will be   included in the Booklet for Parents from now on.


Active School Week

All children and staff had a very active week at school last week and took part in a wide range of activities.  It is great to see children being active and as the evenings  become longer  (and warmer hopefully!)  encourage your children to get outdoors and keep active.  Many thanks to the Parents’ Association for their donation which allowed all the children attend the Peace Link in Clones on Wednesday. 



Swimming continues each Friday at a reduced cost of €5 per child (again thanks to the Parents’ Association for subsidising the lessons).  If  money is being paid weekly it must be paid in advance of each lesson.  The children completed the Swim a Mile Challenge last week and received their certificates.  Well done to all.


French Classes

Agnes Callaghan has very kindly agreed to teach pupils in 3rd-5th French vocabulary for 5 weeks.  This is a great opportunity for our pupils and it gives them a definite advantage when going to secondary school.  Cost per lesson is €2 (thank you to the Parents’ Association for subsidising the balance).  Please forward €10 to school as soon as possible.


School Tour

Our school tour will be held on Tuesday 5th June, we will travel to Gormanston Park for a Let’s Go activity based school tour that is action packed and full of fun and excitement.   Further details will follow.

The cost of the tour is €25 per child.  The Parents’ Association are subsidising the cost of transport.  Money may be sent to school at any stage between now and Friday 1st June.  Payments may be paid in installments.  Please put money in an envelope with your child/children's’ name on it for the attention of Mrs McBride.


Dates for your diary

Monday 7th May                       School Closed Bank Holiday

Thursday 31st May                   School closed as staff attend in service training day for Primary Language                                                                            Curriculum

Friday 1st June                         Last swimming lesson

Monday 4th June                     School Closed Bank Holiday

Tuesday 5th June                    School Tour for all pupils to Gormanston Activity Centre

Wednesday 20th June            End of year Fun Evening

Friday 22nd June                    School closes at 12.00 for Summer Holidays


Cycle Safety Training - 3rd/6th Classes 11th September for 6 weeks

1st October - 2nd, 3rd & 4th Classes visit to Clea Primary School as part of Shared Education Project

10th October - Photographer

14th October - Harvest Service Christ Church Ballybay

7th November - Cash for Clobber Clothes Collection

29th October-2nd November - School closed for Mid Term Break


November Newsletter 2017

It’s hard to believe that our first ‘half term’ is      completed and if the next half of this term goes as quickly it will be Christmas before we know it.  This month all children will take part in two workshops as follows:

Thursday 9th November: Agri Kids Workshop—this is a  fantastic opportunity for the children to become more agri aware.  We are constantly hearing about dangers on a farm and unfortunately there have been far too many accidents and fatalities in recent times.  With many children living on farms and more children visiting farms it is important for them to be aware of the dangers.  Check out for more information.  Thanks to Laura Ward for organising the workshop.

Friday 17th November: As part of Cavan/Monaghan Science Festival all pupils will attend “Dinosaurs Down Under” in  Monaghan Museum at 10.00am.  Dale Treadwell, RTE jr’s best loved nature guy is set to take us on a journey to his own back yard of Australia with a catch it’s the Gondwana Land.  Dale is joined by a cast of realistic Down Under Dinosaurs and an exciting AV display.

Shoe Box Appeal

If anybody wishes to fill a shoebox for Team Hope         Operations Christmas Child Appeal please bring it to school before Friday 10th November, and we will pass it on to Sandra Anderson.

Cash For Clobber

Many thanks to all who contributed to the Cash for Clobber Appeal 540kg of clothes was collected which resulted in €270 for school funds.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Wednesday 29th November.

More details to follow.

Parents’ Association AGM

Many thanks to those who attended the recent AGM.  Please support the committee’s fund raising endeavours over the coming months.  So far this year a set of 15 Good News Bibles was presented to the school and all children received the benefit of discounted gymnastic lessons. 

Please forward recipes to the school before Friday 17th November which will be passed on to the committee for publication in a cookery book which will be on sale at the cookery demonstration on Friday 23rd February 2018.  In order for the book to be a success lots of tried and tested recipes are required.  Ask your extended family & friends to send in their favourite recipes also.

Book Bills

Many thanks to those who have paid their book bills.  Some bills are still outstanding, please contact the Principal if you wish to pay your bill in instalments and arrangements will be made.

School Christmas Show Time

Our bi-annual Christmas production will take place on Tuesday 22nd December at 7.30pm


October Newsletter 2017

We’d like to extend a warm welcome to Hanny, Leeroy, Joanna and Glenden who joined Ballybay Central School during September.

We are delighted that Rev. Gerry Clinton has taken over as Chairperson of the Board of Management.  We are hugely grateful to Charlie Mills who has served as Chairperson since January 2016.  Gerry will be visiting school to lead    assembly each Thursday morning except for the 1st Thursday of every month when we    welcome Andrew McMullan  and his wife Beulah from CEF to assembly.

Cash for Clobber

All unwanted clothes, bed linen, towels, shoes (paired) may be left into school over the coming weeks for collection by Cash for Clobber on 24th October.  The money raised from the collection will be used to buy much needed resources for the school.

Book Bills

Ballybay Central partakes in the Book Rental Scheme.  All books are purchased by the school and are rented to children for the year.  In order for the scheme to be a success we urge you to ensure text books, readers etc are kept in good condition.  Any lost or damaged books must be replaced.  Pupils write in workbooks and these are sent home at the end of the year.  Book rental money also covers costs of photocopying.  The school also provides copy books for children.

This year we are introducing two fees for the rental of books: Junior Infants-1st Class pupils cost €40/                    2nd-6th Class €55.

Please return payment by Friday 27th October, in an envelope with your child’s/children’s name(s) on it for the attention of Mrs McBride.  If anyone wishes to speak to the Principal re the payment of book bills please ring the school and arrangements can be made to pay in installments.

Parents’ Association

Many thanks to the Parents’ Association for their kind donation of 15     Good News Bibles.  This is greatly appreciated.  The AGM of the Parents’ Association will take place on the 24th October (provisionally) and we would encourage parents to attend.

Shoe Box Appeal

Many families already donate shoeboxes to the ‘Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal’ each year.  Sandra Anderson is going to give a talk about the appeal and show us some ideas for boxes.  If any family wishes to prepare a shoebox for the appeal they should bring it to school on or before 27th October and we will pass it on to Sandra.  For families who already donate shoeboxes through their church/library or any other organisation please continue to do so.


Gymnastics continues every Fridsay until Halloween at a cost of €2 per child per week.  The children are enjoying the classes with Lisa.  Please make sure your child/children wears a t-shirt tucked into tracksuit/leggings for each class.  Each class must be paid for in advance.

Code of Behaviour

Over the coming weeks the staff will be reviewing and updating our school’s Code of Behaviour which was last ratified by the Board of Management in 2009.  A draft copy of the updated policy will be sent to each family.  Please read the policy and should you wish to comment please do so and return to school by the given date.  The Board of Management will then ratify the updated policy and each family will receive a copy.  If you have an e-mail address could you fill in the from attached as this will save on printing hard copies (especially for policies) for each family.


The photographer will be in school on Tuesday next 10th October to take school photographs.  Please make sure all pupils are   wearing their full school uniform.  While photographs of each child/family will be taken, there is no  requirement on any parent to purchase any photos.       

Agri Aware Workshop

A workshop for children highlighting the dangers of a farm will take place in school on 9th November.


Homework is a very important part of your child’s education.  It is used to reinforce work taught in school and it also prepares children to work independently, a skill required for secondary school.  Many children are now attending the After School Service but it is still    important for parents to check that the homework has been         completed to the best of their child’s ability.  Please do not assume that homework has been completed fully in After School.


Please ensure that your child/children adheres to the healthy lunch  policy.  Drinks suggested are water or diluted cordial.  Cartons of juice have a high sugar content and are not recommended.  We expect all children to eat all their lunch everyday.  Please don’t send lunches that are too big or include foods that your child doesn’t like as it is          distressing for a young child in particular to have to eat food they don’t like!

Absent Notes

Please fill in the absence note (found in homework diary) if your child is absent for school for any reason.  We are required to maintain records of pupils absences and if a child misses 20 school days or more they are reported to Tusla.  These absence notes may be required at  a later stage to confirm reasons for absences.


School will be closed on Monday 16th October as staff attend an Inservice Training Day for the new Primary Language Curriculum

Halloween Break —

School will finish on Friday 27th October, returning to school on Monday 6th November.

This stage of the school year is always busy and varied in school  and this year has been no exception.

School Tour

Everybody thoroughly enjoyed our trip to W5 and the train journey home on our school tour.   The children were a credit to the school, all behaved so well and its very pleasing when total strangers take time to compliment the school and its children. As a reward everyone watched a movie the day following the tour.

Publish a Poem Awards

Pupils in the Senior Room took part in a competition organised by Monaghan Education Centre during the last term. They explored different types of poems from haiku to sonnets and then wrote their own poem. All pupils received certificates for their poems. Blake Lees, Tyana Pratt Clarke, Lucy Moffett, Emily Burgess and Jack Mackarel had their poems published in a book entitled "Drumlins Speak In Verse" and received a copy of the book, medals and certificates at an awards   ceremony in the Garage Theatre. Sam Moffett, Lucy Pollock and Ellie Lancashire Dugan were Highly Commended for their poems. Well done to all.


School Events

Pupils in the Senior Room had a talk on Fire Safety this week. Please take time to discuss with your children a "Fire Safety Plan", i.e. what to do if the smoke alarm goes off during the night. As the firemen reminded us, smoke alarms should be checked and cleaned regularly.

Pupils in 3rd-6th Class attended a Science Show during May at   Monaghan Collegiate School. The event, including transport was funded by the Ulster Scots Agency. Junior and Senior Infants had a great time at the Teddy Bears Picnic in the Crèche. They met with Lisa, Ethan and Jason who will be in Junior Infants in September.


Swimming lessons are continuing each Friday. The final lesson is Friday 16th June. We are delighted that Avon Wylie (4th Class) and Lucy Pollock (2nd Class) have been selected by the staff at Monaghan Leisure Centre to swim in an interschools Swimming Gala on 17th June. Well done to you both.

Upcoming Community Events

Camphill Fun Day - Saturday 17th June 2.00-5.00
Selective Mutism Training Day - St. Patrick's Church Hall, Church Square, Monaghan
Saturday 16th September 9.00-5.00.
Contact no. - Pamela 086 2108981

Rev. Gerry Clinton

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to Rev. Gerry Clinton and look forward to getting to know him better once he has settled into the Manse.


We say goodbye and every best wish to each of our 6th Class pupils Blake, Ellie, Luke, Tyana and Zoe as they commence their 2nd level education in their new Secondary Schools.


As pupils begin to wind down the amount of homework set each night will be reduced. Thursday 15th June will be the last night for homework this year.

School will reopen on TUESDAY 29th AUGUST at 9.20 for all pupils. Junior Infants finish at 12.30 (for the first 2 weeks). Senior Infants at 2.00 and all other pupils 3.00.
School will close on FRIDAY 22nd June 2018.

On behalf of all the staff I’d like to wish each and everyone a happy, safe and fun filled summer.


Dates for your Diary

Induction morning for new infants
Tuesday 20th June 10-12

Last swimming day
Friday 16th June

Wednesday 21st June @ 7.30

Sports Day (weather permitting)
Friday 23rd June (all stay to 3pm)

School closes @ 12.00 for Summer holidays
Tuesday 27th June

School reopens for all classes @ 9.20
Tuesday 29th August

Halloween Break
School will be closed from 27th - 31st October returning to school on Monday 3rd November