May Newsletter 2022
Swimming Lessons/Soccer
All children have started their 5 week block of lessons at Monaghan Leisure Centre. All outstanding money must be paid by Friday 20th May.
Brian Parker will continue with soccer on the next 2 Tuesdays so all pupils are to wear runners with their uniforms on those Tuesdays.
Get Out & Be Active
This term we are focusing on the outdoors and each week all children will be given opportunities to get outside and be active. Activities will include trips to the local playground, walks, activity stations, playground games, skipping and much more. While most activities will be local i.e. within the school grounds or local park we are planning a trip for the children also which involves getting out and being active.
Wednesday 25th May: Pupils in 4th-6th Classes will travel to Fermanagh to the Cuilcagh Boardwalk Trail.
Wednesday 1st June: Pupils in Infants-3rd Classes will travel to Erica’s Fairy Forest, Cootehill.
You will be sent more information about each of these trips closer to the time.
School Tour
A school tour has been planned for pupils in 2nd-6th Classes to Navan Adventure Centre on Friday 3rd June.
Pupils in Junior Infants-1st Classes will have their tour on Friday 10th June to Airtastic, Craigavon and Tannaghmore Gardens. More details regarding both tours will be issued to you beforehand.
Anti Bullying Workshop
On Thursday 12th May, a workshop for pupils in 3rd-6th Classes will take place on bullying. Pat Courtney from Anti Bullying Services will present the workshop to pupils from 1.15-2.50. This will be followed by a workshop for staff from 3.00-4.30. This is a great opportunity to reinforce the dangers associated with mobile phones, social media and cyber bullying amongst other forms of bullying. We are grateful to the Board of Management for funding this event.
Primary Language Curriculum Half Day Closure
School will close at 12.00on Thursday 19th May to allow staff training in supporting the implementation of the Primary Language Curriculum. Please note this half day closure has been sanctioned by the Department of Education.
Fun Evening
It is great to be planning for our first end of term fun evening since 2019. Traditionally this evening was organised by the Parents’ Association as a social get together for all members of the school community – parents, pupils, staff and Board of Management. New families and children also attend. The format of the evening may change but the sentiments will not – it will be a chance to come together to mark the end of another academic year. The date for the fun evening has been set for Wednesday 15th June so please put it in your diaries!
Pupil Absences
If for any reason a pupil is absent from school, an explanation should be emailed to the school or a phone call on the morning of the absence. If we do not receive a reason for the absence, the absence will be recorded as unexplained. If a child misses 20+ school days (for any reason) in an academic year, a report is made to the Education Welfare Officer. During a legitimate sickness pupils should be kept at home to avoid infection being spread to the whole school community. It is understandable that many children will exceed the 20+ days absences this academic year due to restrictions imposed as a result of Covid regulations.
Please refer to email all families received on Friday 8th April which outlines the reasons why schools are obliged to report absences and the procedures for doing so.
Standardised Tests
Pupils in the middle and senior rooms will complete standardised tests over the coming weeks in Literacy and Numeracy. Literacy will be assessed during the week beginning 23rd May and Numeracy will be assessed during the week beginning 30th May. Standardised test scores will be on the end of year reports and will not be available prior to that.
Clothes Collection
We will have a clothes collection on Tuesday 24th May. If you have any unwanted good quality dry clothing, shoes, bed linen, curtains and handbags that you no longer need, you can drop them into school the week previous and up to the 24th May.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday 19th May School closes at 12.00
Wednesday 25th May Get Out & Be Active-4th/6th Cuilcagh Board Walk
Friday 27th May Last swimming day
Wednesday 1st June Get Out & Be Active-J.I/3rd Erica’s Forest Cootehill
Friday 3rd June Tour 2nd/6th Class Navan Adventure Centre
Monday 6th June School closed Bank Holiday
Friday 10th June Tour J.I./1st Class Airtastic, Craigavon/Tannaghmore
Wednesday 15th June Induction morning for new pupils (10.00-12.00)
Wednesday 15th June Family Fun Evening
Thursday 16th June Sports Day (weather permitting)
Tuesday 21st June Summer Holidays school closing at 12.00
Monday 29th August School Reopens for all pupils